I grew up with computers and gadgets, so I'm pretty tech-saavy. My parents often come to me when they're having trouble with their computers (but they often argue with me and not do what I say to do for the longest time, and when they finally cave in, they realize that I was right the whole time...then I get to say "I told you so") It seems to be that way for a lot of people in my generation, too. Parents get a new gadget, give it to us to figure out and then teach them. lol.
My dad does have a certain level of competence when it comes to technology. Yet even he will get mad at the computer if it doesn't respond the way he wants it to, even thought he is the one causing the problem. He is way too stubborn to admit he doesn't know what he is doing at times! I'm not even a very tech savy person, but I think I know what I'm doing enough to get by.
I understand that there are people who find it difficult to keep up with technological advances. Well, it may be due to age or something else. I do not consider myself as very tech-savvy. I just know the basics in using these gadgets.
I wouldn't say that most people got left behind; I would say people are just ignorant. Many people do not want to take the extra 1 hour to just learn and get themselves accustomed with technology. They like to be spoon-fed instructions and like to burn their money on products that aren't any better than another brand. I would definitely describe myself as more tech-savvy, as I have built my own computer from scratch, I am able to name all of the parts of a computer, what their function is, and how they interact with other parts of the computer. I also am going into Computer Science.