Though my baby is only 5 months, but since my husband is the only child in his family, her toys and clothing gifts coming from all his family members are already piling up that I could barely think of what else to buy for her. So I'm planning to get something different for when her first birthday comes. I'm not going to get toys or clothes because she has many and I'm sure she will gets many more. Do you have any idea of what I can get other than toys and other stuffs she is already getting?
It's never too early to introduce your child to books. One of the best gifts you could buy your child for her first birthday would be a great classic book. Most of these books are heavy on fancy pictures and light on stories which you can read to the kid. though the child can't read, she can still enjoy looking at the pictures.
Really most birthday gifts for the first couple of years are more for the parents than the child. It sounds like you are looking for something the child will be able to appreciate into the future. If you do not need toys or clothes, perhaps set up a trust account for the child and have your relatives donate to that account. Whether it is savings for an education or simply a sum of money to be used when they are older and moving out, these accounts can experience a good deal of growth and if done wisely, can be a far greater benefit to the child than a cute sweater that they grow out of in a couple of months. There will be plenty of birthdays for toys but the first few are really not understood by the child so take advantage of the opportunity to set something up for the future.
I was going to suggest a book you loved as a child too. Even at 1 (and younger) they love being read to, and as they grow older books help with speech acquisition, memory and even cultural development. Besides which they provide a rich sense of personal history. Books I had when I was tiny bring back wonderful memories and a sense of happiness now.
Actually we already got books for her and they are her favourite though she is still very young. They are "Mog The Forgetful Cat" and "Tiger Who Came To Tea" . We started reading for her since she was two and a half months and now she is really getting into it. She has her reading session between bath and bed time which always done by my husband and she is really used to the schedule. Thanks for the advice though
Hi, it's funny because my husband and I actually talked about opening a saving account for her last night and we both agreed that it is a very good thing to do for her and we are sure that she will appreciates it when she grows up. We have to wait until she is 6 month old which is next month to open an account for her so I'm really looking forward. The idea of getting the relative to donate to the account is very good. I'm going to have a discussion about that with my husband
All three of my kids had savings accounts opened when they turned one. We did this so that at every birthday, we'd contribute $100. Throughout the year, my husband and I put in an undecided amount. By the time they are 16, they'll have a nice savings.
That's indeed a very meaningful gifts for them. My husband and I are planning to open a saving account for our daughter when she turns 6 months in a few weeks. We are going to follow one of the advice above to get family members to donate into her account on her first birthday instead of buying all the unnecessary gifts that will not last long There are just too many people buying gifts!
These are great ideas! As I will be looking for the perfect 1st gift for my new little one too! Everyone I know has a huge birthday party as well, with friends and family and co-workers. They pretty much invite everyone. I'm not sure if I'm into this, yet...or if I ever will be. The future will tell, but these are great ideas for gifts!
I am not sure of this. But I have a Chopin tape set which until now I am still listening and enjoy listening to. They have been given to me by my grandmother as her gift for my first birthday. I think it's the reason why I have found my true love, music. I grew up listening to it. Of course I didn't know when I actually first got in love with music. But when I asked my mom if I could have the tape she always have me listen to whenever I study, whenever we eat and whenever we're just idle, she said those are mine. They are gift from my grandmother to me for my first birthday. I am just so glad. Music really has an unequaled effect to the soul. So you might want to consider giving a classical music CD. The baby might not be consciously appreciate it, but it he will surely unconsciously.