Ok, it's now sold in stores, but has anyone actually purchased this bugger and had good luck with it? I bought one years back and never could get it to do what it was supposed to. If anything it just hurt like heck! I would scrub and scrub and when I opened the egg....nothing!!!
I never actually purchased the ped egg myself, but received it for a Christmas present. To be honest I wasn't too impressed with it either. I found that it certainly didn't work as well as they claimed in the commercial. Nothing odd there, since many products don't live up to their hype. I did find though that it seem to work a bit better if you soften your skin before using it. For example use it right after you get out of the shower or bath. This does help the product to remove the dead skin cells better.
I used the original pedi egg weekly and it always got off any dry dead skin on had on my feet! My fiancee also used it regularly. It was disgusting to see how much dead skin ended up in the thing. Neither me or my fiancee have really bad callused skin either so we didn't need it for that.
My mother owns one and has told me that it was fairly useless. She compared it to the advert and said it was "nothing like it". I think it's more of a gimmick rather than anything else, and because there are other methods of removing dead skin that is actually more effective than this.
I'm scared to try the Pedi Egg because the reviews I read online described it as a glorified cheese grater that will make your feet bleed if you use it too enthusiastically. I think I'll just stick to a pumice stone.
I've never used it before, but the experiences I've had with these items being advertised on TV aren't great ones. I tried the Bump Its for hair a while back and they were completely useless. The only luck I've had with one of those TV products was with these half-cami like things you can use to cover up your chest area with low cut shirts.
I have one, and I use it from time to time. It is like a small cheese grater in a small plastic ball. It does work though. There are a few issues I have with it. The first problem with the egg is that it is not flexible. I have a hard time using the egg around the back of my heals and right above my arch. If the file could be curved or had an arch in the metal, that would help. Secondly, the grating area dulls over time and becomes less effective. Lastly when you are using it and it gets turned with the grater-side down, your dead skin falls out between the grater slots. It's gross.
That's what I think every time I see that commercial. To be honest I can hardly watch it. (covering my eyes). Doesn't it HURT? What if you use it too much? Or go to deep? I don't understand I guess.
I know ,right? If you grate off too much skin you could get a really nasty infection. It doesn't seem worth it to me when you can just soak your feet and use a pumice stone.
I purchased one on sale cheap and I love it! Yes, you have to use it properly, but the same thing can be said for any grooming implement. The egg is a lot safer than those things with the razor that actually slices off the skin - that's what can be dangerous and lead to infection. Just like with a file or a pumice, it's all about whether you use it often, how bad the situation with your feet is, and if you're trying to use it wet or dry.
Do you know how hard you would have to scrape and how many layers of skin you would have to remove before your foot started to bleed? The thing is effective, but it's not that good. You really have work at it, just like with a foot file, especially if you walk around barefoot a lot. You only want to use it on areas where the skin layers have built up and hardened.