I have a particular area in my basement where I store all my holiday decorations. I downsized my Christmas tree last year from a seven footer to a 5 footer. I didn't want to toss it out so I set it outside in my back yard and will decorate it this year. I thought that to be an unique way to store it. Where do you store your Christmas decorations? Are they easy to retrieve?
It can become a chore to store your holiday decorations when you accumulate too many. It is always a good idea to pare down the collection from time to time. That was a very unique idea, to store your Christmas tree outside and then decorate. Very cool. Most of our decorations are in the utility room, but I have to admit that they aren't very organized at the moment. This year, when I take everything down, I plan to go through them. I'll give some away, and organize the rest of them. That's the plan anyway, lol.
I was actually a bit late putting out my decorations this year than i normally like too.. mostly because I just moved into this apartment last year -- and with all of the reorganizing when my daughter was born - I couldnt find my christmas decorations LoL. Next year I hope to have everything a bit more organized.
Our Christmas tee and decor are just stored in our storage room which admittedly has gotten way more filled than originally planned but it's still fairly easy it dig up the items we need. Although this year we didn't bother putting up decorations anymore and instead we just put up a few lighted items and it does the job just fine. I think it's much more practical to do just that.
I agree. I downsized our artificial tree last year and concentrated on indoor decorations that we could continuously enjoy.