Payday loan companies are constantly finding ways to get more money out of those most in need. Some of the rates they offer are crazy and a bit frightening. Are there any savvy and smart ways to negotiate the terms of a payday loan?
I have never heard of anyone "negotiating" the terms with a particular company. If you are going to go with a loan such as that, shop them amongst companies and find out if there is a better rate from one company to the other.
I have never heard of negotiating terms with loan companies either. I know that each company has different rates and you should shop around and find the one that works best for you. Just make sure that it is only a one time short term loan you are looking for not something you need for a long period.
I don't think that there is a way to negotiate the terms of your payday loan. The fees and rates are published and you can take them or leave them, your choice. Unfortuntely, they really aren't looking for more customers as plenty come to them and accept their fees willingly, so I don't think that they will change thier terms to woo you. You, of course, can try, but I don't think you'll get very far. If you do, it would be great to hear which company was open to it and how much you were able to save.