Do you have any sites where translation work is needed online? I have come across this website which highlights a few of them: Log In The translation work may be for medical, educational, documentation, and other miscellaneous things. Most of the work looks to be contracted but they are not specifying qualifications. I know of some translation offices that make you take a literacy test to see how fluent you are in the target language and even your native language. Grammar skill is a plus.
I haven't managed to find much, but then again my only competent language is German, and there are far more German-English translators out there that are better than me. The best way is by speaking obscure languages, or languages with disproportionately few speakers located in your country.
The translation jobs offered in that site don't accommodate the languages I'm good at, so I doubt I can find a project that suits my skills. Well it's there but it's not part of the priority translation jobs list. Thanks for sharing, though. I will need to keep that site as future reference, just in case they start putting up jobs that I am able to take on.
Thanks for the information, however, It won't be of help me this time as I am not proficient in those languages. I do hope you will post information about any other opportunities that may arise because it may just be useful to someone.