Does anyone happen to know which brands or types of water bottles are known to be the healthiest out there? I mean, which ones are the healthiest in local grocery stores? Are there certain names or logos you have come to trust above the others? If so, please tell me why? I wish to know....
Pardon me for this comment but this water business is making us consumers crazy. There is the most expensive drinking water called Alkaline which, the vendor claims, could make us healthier. My wife has been buying the Light Water which helps her to lose weight. And there’s the good old mineral water which is good for our digestive system. And not to forget the distilled water which is actually the purest water with 2 part hydrogen and 1 part oxygen. It’s ironic that the purest water is the cheapest huh.
Most name brand ''mountain spring'' water is just purified tap water. At least that's what most news stations and news sites claimed. It's best to just purchase the cheapest brand because most of the time, you're paying for the name. People fall for it because they think the water does come from a spring or something. If you read the back, it sometimes says that the water is from public pipe water sources. Cheap is the best.
I think when it comes to water the best is what you prepare and use. Not any bottled water. Some even taste worse. Its better to boil and filter or filter alone dependjng on how must your filtering/treatment system is trustworthy. In olden days, people boiled water and kept in pots. That was considered healthy. The labels and names vary from country to country so there might not be a single winner.
I don't use bottled water but I can confirm that the purest water is from the springs and rivers. This is the water that occurs naturally. People living in towns depend on bottled water and since it's a business you can't rule out any of them as the best. Natural water is pure and free but when it's not an option bottled water can be used regardless of the label as long as they are certified by the responsible authority.
I did read some yeas back that of all sources of water, the one from Spring are the purest and best water. With that said, going by the different brands of water in the market especially the carbonated I find it hard to point one as the better. Before picking a brand over another I think it's important to know the different processes of treatment the water go through.
You are making a survey on what particular brand of bottled water is considered as the best ever. Well, every water purifier business for that matter is exaggerating their bottled water as the best based on their description, but so far I don't have the edge to believe all those vague presentation for it is very biased. Just take a look of the different brands of bottled water we have in our place. We have top 11 Brands of Mineral Water in the Philippines. They are as follows: 1. Nature's Spring 2. Crystal Clear 3. Summit 4. Absolute 5. Wilkins 6. Viva 7. Aqua Blue 8. RainForest 9. Pure Life 10. AquaBest 11. Hidden Spring Now, what's your choice? Their names or label are so inviting. They are well-coined to attract prospective drinkers. Those bottled water or mineral water either come from a spring or from a tap water and it is only filtered or purified to get rid of toxins or whatever so that it would be healthier and safe for consumption.
Trust me, it's difficult to safely advise someone on the best brand of bottled water. The bottled water industry is mostly unregulated so there is generally no verification of what these water producers claim to be included in their products. Tests have shown that some bottled waters, in spite of the glowing advertisement about how wonderful they were, contained mere tap water.