Recently, I re-enrolled in college. I found out that my college is a little more than my loans and grants will take me. I have been seriously looking into getting some scholarship money. I have also been looking into ways to save money for college. During one of my scholarship ventures, I was asked to checkout Upromise. I not only checked it out, but I joined the site. Here is how Upromise actually works. You make purchases at sites as you normally would. These sites will give you up to 5% cash back on your purchases. The cash back will go into your Upromise account. You then have several options of how to allocate your Upromise dollars and how to further compound the savings. You can save for yourself, payoff college loans, or save for a niece/nephew, son/daughter, or grandchild. I am totally, excited about this Upromise. I just joined this month. It takes up to thirty days following the month of earnings for anything to show up in your account. When it does I will be even more excited. How about any of you, were you aware of how the Upromise program worked?