I think it is a good strategy to use credit card only for big purchases. When we use credit card for routine small purchases chances are that we often end up spending more than our budget. By using credit card for costly items we can also earn handsome reward points which can be redeemed for costly items. Also if you are not in a position to pay it at once you can opt for an EMI option. In that way you can pay it in small installments on a month to month basis. Some credit cards also offer good discounts for big purchases so we can save some money here also. Do you use your credit card for routine purchases?
Yes, but I tend to pay cash onto it at the start of the month and then make my routine purchases out of that. Knowing I have a limit helps make sure I don't overspend so I never carry a balance but I still get cashback and reward points. I don't like spending money on a credit card that I am not going to pay off immediately.
You're correct. We shouldn't use Credit Card to buy something that is too cheap. It wasted my money a lot. Maybe Paypal is a better option. I will only use my Credit card for something expensive which doesn't accept either Paypal nor Bitcoin.
@luckycharm I agree with you that it is a good idea to use credit cards for big purchases. Ideally that is how I have always planned to use my credit card. However, my first choice will always be a cash transaction as I just hate debts. I rather keep my credit card for emergency usage.
I agree with the title of this thread. However, there are regular purchases where I use my credit card because one of my credit cards is for those specific purchases regardless of the amount – gasoline groceries, utilities. But small purchases in the groceries, I just pay in cash unless I have no cash in my pocket. We have been practicing discipline in the use of our (my wife’s and mine) credit card because it is not good to binge on purchases that we cannot afford to pay. Besides, purchases should only be for the necessities, it’s not good to splurge on luxuries anymore.
I rely on cash as most as possible. My credit card is used for emergency purposes, that is where the item is needed and I have no cash to cover the cost. I am trying to discipline myself in a way that I may be able to repay the credit withing the period to avoid paying any interest as far as possible.
I use credit card only when I have to now. I did use credit cards for everyday purchases for I just don't like carrying cash with me. You do tend to buy more with credit cards for it doesn't hurt so much like when you use cash. Luckily Sears Mastercard gives you points so you can get gift cards and other things no matter how small or how big your purchases are, so it's worth using it for small purchases. I hope other cards start doing it that we have. I don't like to just get a credit card for the perks for then you have more credit cards to spend with. You get to get rewarded for using Sears Mastercard and I like that.