Buying used products will save you a lot of money. But there are times when you won't be saving any money especially if you are buying used baby products. If there is even the remotest possibility that a product might not be safe for use for a baby then don't buy that product. Any accidents will force you to spend more money than you would have saved buying something brand new. Instead try to find deals, save a little but you'll have some peace of mind.
I totally agree. When my kids were little I would buy some used toys for them from consignment shops. I always bought toys that were plastic that I could wash down. I stayed away from toys with small parts and stuck with big action figure type toys. I also would buy used puzzles or blocks. As for baby products I would buy used baby clothes as babies grow so quickly the clothes were always in good shape. I bought a used bunting bag as well. I looked for sales at ToysRUs for high chairs and exersaucers. I find at least with baby items they don't use them long and are in good condition so you can resell them yourselves and get some of the money you spent or if you are having more kids you will get a lot of use out of them.
I felt the same way you did until I shopped at Walmart. There are so many good things brand new at Walmart that's sometimes cheaper than thrift stores for children and everything else. I love the Walmart stores on Oahu! I shop time to time at thrift stores and donated to them too, but I noticed that prices are cheaper than thrift stores at times at Walmart. I love to window shop and found great bargains at Walmart for children's things and everything else.
I agree it's better not to risk anything when the person you are buying for is at their most vulnerable stage. I think it's much better to buy brand new since a lot of products nowadays are easily massed produced to the point where prices of brand new products are almost equal to their second hand counterparts. I myself usually just opt to buy cheaper brand new items rather than a used item even if that turns out to be a better brand, so I'd be even more careful with a baby. I am with you in that it might just prove to be a lot more expensive down the line even if you get to save a few dollars in the short term.
I don't buy used baby products very often. I only got second hand once and probably won't do it again. I'd rather just buy brand new so I have some assurance that it will be good for a while. You want the safest things for your kid so there's a peace of mind that comes when you purchase it for yourself.