Used tires can appear to be a bargain. Nonetheless, you would probably save more money in the long run by buying new ones. For one thing, if your used tires constantly go out and need replacement, then your just handing out the same or more money than you would for a good set of new tires. Nonetheless, used tires are a big business in many areas. Therefore, if everyone got new tires, then it would destroy a lot of mom and pop shops operating apart from big chains like Wal-Mart Anyhow, do you, yourself, buy used tires, not new ones?. Do you think you're getting a deal?
I've only purchased used tires because the problem here isn't the age of the tire. The roads here are pretty bad and there are lots of nails or any other sharp objects that can puncture the tire. Purchasing new tires where I live would be a waste because you would never be able to last the entire normal lifespan of a tire. It depends on how the roads in your cities are. You should use new tires with new roads and old tires with old roads.
When I bought my first car which is a Gemini model 1976, it was kind of dilapidated already so when I changed the tires, the mechanic suggested that I by second-hand tires which is economical. And after a year of using those second-hand tires, the mechanic had it retreaded. I have no knowledge about cars yet and besides, my car was already old. But now that I had bought a brand new car - it is now 3 years old – used tires never entered my mind and I am willing to spend much for new tires which is economical in the long run.
Anyone is looking for something to save more money in any business dealings or purchases. Motorists, car owners are doing that the same. I have a son-in-law who is driving a motorized tricycle for a living. Every time his tricycle tires get used up for wear and tear, he resorted to recap the tires rather than to buy a new one. The tires took several a year or so until he gets a new tire for replacement.
Wither way tires have a way of being really expensive, so I would say go with whatever you think may save you money in the long run. I tend to not be able to trust used tires.