Victoria's Secret and JUicy Couture!!!!!!!!!!!!

Discussion in Coupons started by zoeysmama2011 • Nov 2, 2012.

  1. zoeysmama2011

    zoeysmama2011Active Member

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Woot-Woot! Victoria's Secret and Juicy Couture now have a sweet little deal going on for the holidays! I'll start with Victoria's Secret. If you make a $10 purchase, you get a Secret Reward card! ooh-la-la! The card will have at least $10 on it but it may have more. You can come into a store and check how much you won on your secret reward card on Nov.29th. You can win up to $500 on your card!
    Juicy Couture is the same deal. I'm sorry, I don't know the minimum that you have to spend to get the Reward Card but I bought a pair of Juicy Couture velour sweatpants for $60 and got a Secret Rewards card. Juicy Couture offers at least $25 on the card but there may be more. There can be up to $500 on it. You can go in and check the balance of you Secret Rewards card starting tomorrow. You CAN'T use it on clearance items or watches or perfume though. Check it out you guys! I think spending the minimum is worth it, especially since you get a least $10 or $25 and can get up to $500! Could $100, $200, $50, $250, who knows??!:D