Virgin Mobile is great and cheap

Discussion in Landline & Mobile Phone Networks started by dconklin • Apr 5, 2013.

  1. dconklin

    dconklinActive Member

    Mar 30, 2012
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    I know in the past I had posted about AT&T but ended up having problems with them as well so I went prepaid. I tried Virgin Mobile starting in the beginning of December 2012 and have been loving it! Of course you have to check to see that they have good coverage in your area, but I recommend them if they do.

    I have a smartphone that we bought at Walmart for $100 (about) and for $35 a month I get unlimited text messaging and unlimited data - it is whatever is available in your area 3G or 4G (for us it is 3G.) I also get 300 minutes a month, which is enough for me as I use texting and Internet more then anything.

    They have 2 other options also which are: $45 a month for unlimited text and data with 1200 minutes a month and $55 a month for unlimited everything including talk. Their tech support was awesome, I emailed them with a question and they answered me within 2 hours - and this was at 11 PM. This was email, I am sure they are quite quick on the phone.

    Anyway, I am not affiliated with them or anything. I just really love the service and how cheap this is! No contract and if you can't pay one month, you pay the next time you can and they give you a new phone number. If you skip a month you will get a new phone number when you reactivate your phone, but it is not like breaking a contract and you don't get charged a reactivation fee either :)

    Oh and they are on Sprint's network so if Sprint works in your area, you should be good.