Virtual credit cards are just like credit/debit cards that you get from your bank. It can be in physical form as well as virtual form. In order to use a virtual credit card you will have to top up with balance. Do you have any experience with virtual credit cards?
This is the first I've ever heard of virtual credit cards. I'm concerned about safety and accessibility. Believe it or not I don't have a cell or smarphone of any kind, so if the virtual credit card appears on your mobile phone I can't have one. Guess I have to go the old fashioned way of plastic. I like the chip credit cards they seem much safer than the ones you slide through the machines. It makes me feel uneasy when you slide your card put in your code and it doesn't take and you got to repeat putting your code again in the machine.
I've heard about these virtual credit cards. However, I've never tried one. Virtual credit cards aren't linked into your bank account, so you don't need to worry about hackers. If you virtual credit card get hacked, you'll just lose the money on it and your bank account remain safe!
I use a PayPal virtual credit card and it works well. The fact that it's not linked to my bank account makes it better. All you need to do is to add some money to them. It's a good way to control how much you spend but it can mess you up when you spend all the money in it and you have no money in cash.
@ptahm22 I wish I could use a paypal virtual credit card, however, it is not available in my country. Good think about paypal card is you don't have to fund it through bank. you can top up your card with paypal funds.
A virtual credit card is associated with a credit card so you can spend within the credit limit given. My credit card provider gave me one with a small credit limit (equivalent to $600) on top of my regular credit limit. I haven't used it though because I'm scared of using whatever credit card for shopping online. I prefer to use my Paypal funds, pay COD, or buy offline. Paypal credit is not available for all countries, unfortunately, and it comes with a credit limit, too, which is given after some credit checks. I'm confused by some posts in this thread about Paypal virtual credit card. If it's something that you need to top up with Paypal funds, then it's not a virtual credit card.
I had heard this virtual credit card from my youngest son. He came up with this credit card when PayPal is requiring him to present a credit card. Since it isn't in his immediate disposal to get one, he has availed of this one. And he has successfully opened up a PayPal account. However, he didn't tell me on what particularly amount should be maintained as the balance for a regular online transaction. This is actually the first time that I have heard this.