Hi - as most you know dog fighters often scour Craigslist for free or low cost dogs and then use the small dogs as bait. I came across this Craiglist ad: Log In Can you please "flag" it. I believe this guy is looking for bait dogs because: 1. He has posted this ad several times 2. Seriously, why woudl you have to create an ad for this where there are ALREADY A ZILLION ads over dogs?!?!?!?! Seriously, is someone going to go on craigslist to look for someone to take their dog, no, they go there to post. 3. Just the way it is typed, it is suspicious, most people who are of a caring nature take more time and thought to a post. Just the way he has typed it, without caring about grammar and quality of the post, shows that he does not have a nurturing personality. 4. I just have a sixth sense about it. So please FLAG HIM thanks!!!!
Nevermind Nevermind, I don't think I had my head on straight when I wrote this post. I had just finsihed reading a very sad article about why you should never give pets away for free, just ignore this, sorry for the confusion.
The post has been deleted already when I tried to look at it. I guess it has been flagged by other people already.