The pace with which the power and features of our smartphonss have increased recently is nothing short of extraordinary. Only a few years ago, smartphones did not even exist. But now they are capable of doing almost every task. So, I wanted to know what does the future of smartphones has in store for us. For instance, I would like my smartphone to be able to replace my car keys and wallet. What features do you expect from your smartphone in the coming years.
The additional feature i most expect Smart Phones to feature in the future is wire less head phones. Wireless headphone would output your phones audio without the use of of wires. This would be great for listening to music while working out, and especially jogging. I would personally make it a priority to purchase a product with this capability.
I think cell phones will soon feature a wall projector. That will display the phones screen on a wall, or surface There really is not much a else a Smart Phone can do that it doesn't already offer.
I would expect smartphones to develop a way that their batteries last much longer than they do at the moment. I think that really takes away from the phone being smart if it only last for about two hours but can do almost anything.
I'd just like them to become even thinner and more compact and portable. The size they come in now are fine, but I like something a lot more fitting in the pocket. Also, I'd love to see the battery life increase significantly in the next generation of phones. The lifespan of the batteries now are good and all, but if they were somehow to make them last for nearly two weeks with just a single charge, I think everyone would be happy with that progress. I'm also looking forward to haptic feedback, as I still can't imagine fully how that would feel like, but I do welcome it since tapping on glass isn't exactly that pleasant for me as it is.
I like to think Smartphones will become more durable with longer lasting batteries, but knowing companies like Apple they will milk it for what it is worth. As a user above me said I think a projector would definitely be handy to have for showing people, I'm all for hologram technology. I don't know how long we will have to wait, but I'm willing!
I heard a radio talk show talking about a new app that allows you to take a picture of someone on the street or were ever and then the app will somehow manage to find there name, Facebook page and so on. That is kind of scary idea for me, I don't think I like that. As far as smart phones in general, I can't imagine anything that hasn't already been invented. My phone has everything I could possibly need on it from GPS, to Google. Oh, there is one thing I think would be awesome. I have three kids and we are constantly loosing the remotes to the TV. I wish I could change channels with my iPhone. That would be very convenient. I suppose I would like Siri to be a little more interactive as well.
I hope smartphones never do that. It would be very creepy. I don't want people taking pictures of other people and stocking them on their phone. Just go up and say hi to them and chat with them.
The wallet thing is already available. In certain selected stores you can "swipe" your phone on a machine thingy and it will act as if you would have paid with a credit card. As far as I know, it's only available for small amounts at the moment since it doesn't require verification such as a pin code. The one and only thing I'd really want is... more battery life! I don't care about a super fast 5g network, I'm still using 3g and I'm fine with it. Don't care about ridiculous amounts of processing power or cameras which are capable of taking a picture of a flying seagul 1km away. What I do care about is having a MOBILE phone that doesn't need to be plugged into a wall 24/7. My old nokia phone used to last around 10 days without recharging under normal use... you give me a smartphone with that capability and I will buy it straight away.