Recently, I've been getting into doing a variety of smaller, Diy projects/crafts -- though mostly the latter -- in my free time, because I find it pretty Neat to create things from other things you have at home already/can buy for a relatively low price. I've mainly just been making smaller crafts--decorations, trinkets, candles, and other things that I can give to my friends or just keep around. Do you have any favourite DIY projects or crafts that you'd like to share information on?
I like knitting, cross-stitching, sewing quilts, embroidering and other cloth-related crafts. I used to be fond of making paper mache art but now that I'm part of the workforce, it's become more and more difficult to find time for it. I have a knack for turning a bunch of colorful beads into stylish bracelets, earrings and key chains. My dream project is to create a scrap book for my travels. That would be neat.
The only DIY things I do have to do with clothing. And I'm not even sure if it conts, most of the time it's just making a patch or sewing the patch on something..
I make my own quilts for the most part. I have been doing it for last couple of years and take a lot of enjoyment from handsewing my own blankets. I also like to go to Michael's and get their wooden pieces that you can paint and decorate. I just got 3 laser cut wood decorations and I am going to paint them and hang them in my room. Wall decorations for less than $10!
I like paper crafts and origami because they are very soothing and cost very little. Also if you work on it well enough you could create a lot of very interesting things that can really impress your friends, and the best part about that is that if they do end up liking what you do then you could even give it to them as gifts. Another thing I like about giving them as gifts is that they cost more time and effort than money so the recipient should feel extra special that you didn't buy something online and wrap it up.
I like to buy ugly paintings at thrift stores and paint over them. They're usually just other people's botched craft projects, not valuable art. I found a really bad abstract painting on canvas for $1 and painted another abstract over it in colors to match my bathroom. If you have no art skills ,you can buy a still life or floral with washed out old colors and paint over it in bright colors, using the original painting as a guideline. So you would follow the outline of the original brown or beige flower and paint it pink or whatever color you like.