I'm a skinny man. I've been skinny all my life. That's why I want to become fat, or at least not be skinny. Are there some supplements that I could take so that I would get fat? I don't wanna take steroids because I know that they're dangerous. I want to take something that's safe and would still help me make me fat. Any ideas?
You'd want to be careful so you don't cause your cholesterol to go through the roof or cause other health issues. Maybe you can try drinking a few bottles/cans of Ensure throughout the day. They have a few hundred calories and are meant for people who need to gain (or maintain) weight. Ensure isn't the only brand, there are others.
You are one of the lucky ones. The first thing I would suggest is to look at anything in your diet that is artificially elevating your metabolism. Caffeine and nicotine are two major contributors. The second place I would look is protein. We can not build muscle without complete proteins. If you happen to be vegetarian, you may need to adjust your diet get the right amounts of the right amino acids. If you eat meat, you may need to eat more of it. Rice & Beans together will work or lean meat depending on your preference. You need to stress the muscles you wish to build (I am guessing you don't just want fat). If you want bigger arms or a bigger chest then you need to exercise those muscles. Unlike weight loss, targeting muscle groups for building does work. The body will apply the protein to where it is needed. If you have no need, it can store fat.
Funny. I thought that the more junk food would make one fatter but doing some research on it, I realized that junk food only made someone pile on weight because they became lazy. I don't know how it affects one mentally so though I wanted to suggest gorging yourself on junk food, I'll keep that to myself.
Although I wouldn't encourage you to eat tons of bad food, I would encourage you to eat more food- that is, if you do not eat very much to begin with. I would suggest going to a doctor and talking about your issues with your weight.
Eat a lot of high caloric carbohydrates-rich food and lessen your exercise. Carbohydrates-rich foods are easily deposited in the body. When you don't exercise after few hours eating them, they will be stored in the body as a form of fat. But if you do exercise, then they will just get burnt. The greater the calories, the greater that will be deposited in the body, the greater the fat that will be stored. But you should no keep going forever with this kind of diet. Doing it for too long will have unhealthy serious repercussion. Do it until you have reached your desired weight and then maintain.
Eat a lot of rice, all the time. As in all your meals must have rice, especially your breakfast. Do this for about a month and you will notice that it stuffs your body easily. I have personally tried this and I have friends who did the same and it sure works. You can eat a lot during breakfast or lunch, but you may want to taper down a bit during dinner as you may have a hard time sleeping when your tummy feels too heavy.