You never know when you may need that receipt and when you hang on to them you have no problem going looking through them to find whatever it is that you need. So all anyone has to do is get the ziplock bag and throw them in for safe keeping and that's what I do anytime I buy something, that way when needed, there they are waiting for you to harvest.
I throw them away. If I am buying something that I might need to return, I will keep the receipt in my purse until it expires or I can no longer return the item.
I keep receipts for expensive items in the top slot in my letter rack. I check it every so often, and throw out receipts for articles that are out of warranty. If it's something really expensive - such as jewellery or a car - I put the receipts into a plastic wallet, because they never get thrown away. I'm pretty good at keeping them where I can lay my hands on them.
This is what I always do with my receipts, they are degrading so fast and I just put them in the package of the product that they came in and take a weight off my shoulders
I keep credit card receipts just in case, I'll need them in the future. But for most receipts, I don't keep them. I did keep grocery receipts at one point but eventually, I ended up throwing them away.
I always make sure to keep important receipts in a folder in my file cabinet. Like when I purchase clothes, shoes and electronics. I don't keep grocery receipts or the receipts for items under around $20.
I usually throw my receipts away the day after or sometimes I will tell the cashier to keep it. That's only if I buy something that I know I won't be bringing back.
That depends on what the purchase was. Since I haven't made a large enough purchase to be worried about the money spent and being able to return said item I usually just toss the receipt. When I pay rent though, I keep the receipt in a storage container with any other bills that I've paid.
I usually throw them away. The law says I have to keep them until I leave the store. And there wouldn't be any other use for them. Maybe to get in the recycled paper bin
I enter my Walmart receipts into the Walmart Savings Catcher and then throw them away. I save postal receipts in case a buyer on ebay wants me to remind them of the tracking number or I need to prove that I have a tracking number.
I only ever keep receipts for big purchases that I have made, usually in a glass jar in my kitchen. I admit, I am quite careless when it comes to everything else. I often throw the receipts for ordinary, everyday things away as soon after I have bought them.
I think I have to be one of the most irresponsible people in the world when it comes to receipts. The longest a receipt may last in my house is a day. Unless it's a major purchase, I tend to throw them away with little hesitation. I've never even had a designated place to even store them. I think just having a plastic sealed bag to keep them in is the key to preserving them and keeping them together.
I never keep them. I never needed one after I bought something. I just throw them away, at least if it wasn't something really important. If it was, then I would just keep them in the box that came with whatever I bought.
I throw my receipts away, it just starts to clutter up the place. Unless I might need it to return a product obviously. I used to keep them in a container, realized that I never actually needed to look at them for 6 months. That's the 6 month rule, if you don't use something for 6 months it's obviously not that important.
My first instinct tells me to put in my wallet or purse first. And when I notice they are accumulating, that't the time I check them one by one if which of them is important. Payment on bills like electricity and water need to be filed just to make sure you can prove you that don't have unpaid balances. The rest, I'll just have a quick look of my expenses and how much every expense costs. I'll throw them to the trash bin afterwards and I'm not gonna see them again. I don't have a warehouse or basement to keep all the receipts I got in my whole life.
Is anyone entering their Walmart receipts into the Walmart Savings Catcher? If you shop at Walmart and you don't do that, then you're literally throwing away money. I got enough cash back from my Savings Catcher account to order a new shower head for my bathroom. Here's the info again about the program, in case you missed the thread about it. Log In
I keep ALL my receipts, even fast food and gas receipts until I enter them All into my receipt rewarding apps. I get Giftcards every month for entering all my receipts into these apps. After I enter them into the apps, they go to garbage. I rather earn something for them Since I have to take them lol
I know I should really keep my receipts, but I normally don't take a receipt or throw it away right away. I currently do not have a budget, and I really should since I sometimes overspend a little bit. Also, I should look into those receipt reward apps, as Sweetkymom has mentioned. I would like to earn some extra money from receipts.
I leave them in my bag or wallet or in my drawers. But if the receipt is for something expensive, then I will keep in stored in a safe place in case something goes wrong. I sometimes use them to write little notes too.
I just shove them in a wallet and then have a clean out of that every 6 months of so. Always a nightmare to sort through but at least I always know where the receipt is if I ever need to return an item. I only really hold onto receipts that may prove useful in the future.