What headphones do you think are best?

Discussion in Computers, Electronics & Gadgets started by techbeast34 • Dec 5, 2012.

  1. techbeast34


    Nov 28, 2012
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    Hey guys, I was wondering, what headphones do you prefer to game, listen to music, watch movies, etc.? For gaming I would use the Turtle Beach X12s.
  2. DrRipley


    Mar 29, 2012
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    I just use Beats for everything. It's got a good sound quality and it's very durable. I'm just not exactly sure if they are better for gaming than listening to music or watching movies, but I've used them for a lot of things and I've connected and used it through different mediums like on my laptop and my phone, etc. and it sounds good every time.
  3. Winnie

    WinnieActive Member

    Nov 4, 2012
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    This is my first time hearing about Turtle Beach X12's. I love music, but I don't use any particular brand of headphones. I just use whatever type I pick up in a store, and when I say in a store, I mean stores like Walgreens or WalMart or Target, or someplace like that. I don't ever think that I have yet purchased "investment quality" headphones, I guess one would call them.

    That, however, is about to change because I am going to buy my son some headphones for Christmas. I was watching HSN (Home Shopping Network) on TV the other day (love that channel, QVC too). They had some Dr. Dre headphones on sale for like $199. Then, the next day on QVC, 50 Cent was on there selling his brand of headphones. I didn't even know 50 had headphones for sale. I want to buy a pair of headphones and surprise my son with them, but after seeing two different brands on TV, both brands pricey, I think I'm just going to have to forgo the surprise element of it.
    I'm going to let my son listen to a few brands of headphones and let him pick out the ones that he feels suits his needs the best.

    I wonder if there is a difference in the kinds of headphones one needs to use for listening to music, as opposed to gaming, as opposed to other things. Does one need to have different headphones for each activity in order to get the full experience?? I suppose so.
    My son is really into "sounds." He composes music, and LOVES gaming, so maybe I will end up buying him TWO pair (pairs?) of headphones this Christmas.
    #3Dec 6, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2012