Valentine Day is coming after two months. i wanna to give a beautiful and unique gifts to my husband on such a special occasions. but i little bit confuse regarding the gifts. i do not understand what should i buy for him. so please suggest me a best valentine gifts for my husband.
This is one of those questions that I can't give a direct answer. Why? Well you've not indicated the past gifts and his reaction (assuming the husband is a male in this case). Anyway, if you known each other for at least a year it is possible that you understand what cheers him up, and I'll suggest you dwell on it. It might be a physical gift or emotional.. Key thing is that you have aLog In
It comes down to what he likes and what kind of thing you want to give. We don't know if you want to give something materialistic, an experience or something that signifies your total love for him. I always think it's a nice occasion to go away somewhere for a weekend that you normally wouldn't go to.
This is a bit of an old thread but I think men are less into Valentine's day then women are really. I'm not sure he's all that concerned about getting a present to tell you the truth. But if you're going to get him one, a nice present that most men I believe would appreciate would be doing something creative. Go to a photographer to get sexy shots done of you and give it to him in a picture frame something like that...
Well I'm sure you know your husband way better than us, but I noticed that men in general love receiving perfume. Does he like to wear perfume? You can just give him a replacement bottle of the perfume he regularly uses.
Valentines and Birthdays to me is the point where your really have to show you know your spouse when buying gifts, I think it depends on what that person likes, I did a gift basket for my boyfriend once and I includes all his favorites cologne,liquor, favorite team shirt and hat casue it was around football time, some candy, peanuts,card and a movie date night for us at the movies. with an I love you balloon , Had to include myself, lol He was overwhelmed . turned out to be a great gift everything well needed. The basket didnt cost me but about 50 total.