I think that my longest period of time, keeping a car has been about 10 years. It was a brand new light green, Honda Accord. It ran great for most of that time. Then after I had put about 120,000 miles or so on it from traveling on my job, different things started to go wrong and I sold it. I saw it in a nearby neighborhood, and thought to myself that the person who had it, would more than likely put in new parts and get another 100,000 miles out of it.
My current one. I got it in 2003 when I moved and still have it now. It has been acting a little crazy lately but I am trying to keep up with it so I don't have to shell out money for a new one.
I bought my used Ford Expedition about seven years ago and it has approx. 125, 000 miles. I do upkeep it, but I think it has another 3-6 years to go before I think about selling it. I just used it to travel from NJ to Las Vegas with my siblings and it we did not have any issues. It was a great road trip, hopefully it will take us from NJ to Cali and back on our next road trip next year.
Those are two great records. I might have kept iy car longer, but it had served me well and I was tired of shelling out cash for repairs.
I bought my current car in March 2001. It was brand new with only 6 miles. It is a Toyota Corolla S and I have not had any major problems with it. I have only had to do basic maintenance such as oil changes, tune ups, tire changes, etc. I think it has over 250,000 miles on it and I plan to drive until it stops. I've had a few accidents, but it's still going strong.
I have never owned a car. I did put money into the family car though, a Ford, and well, I just never got the money when they sold the car. Always happens with this family. The one I used while I tutored, even though I always put more than enough gas in it. Now, I need to effen walk everywhere, catch a bus or get a lift...but that is why I need to move, I effen hate where i am now. Need to move to a warmer place like Bangkok, that is hot and humid so that I do not need to buy a car...everything i need is there. So, that is my period of car owning really.
I've only ever owned one car and I never had that for long, either. That was over five years ago. I get about just fine without one and family and friends have transport so I don't need another one yet.
Our rule of thumb is to keep a car until it starts costing us money to keep it on the road. As we never buy new, we usually keep cars between 5 and 7 years. At the moment, we have a 2004 Ford Fiesta that we've had for 4 years. When I took it for its annual service, the mechanic said it was one of the best cars he'd seen for it's age, and he said there would be a good few years of trouble free running before we needed to change it, so it looks like this one could get the record.
I have a 14 year old Ford F250 Pickup with 260,000 Km on it. It has never given me any trouble. Besides brakes, tires, shocks, the only items I've had to replace on it have been a starter and alternator. Just for saftey sakes, I'm replacing the water pump this year. Great winter vehicle with 4x4, can go anywhere and through just about anything. Body is still in great shape...i'm hoping I get another 3 years out of it, but just take it year by year now.
The longest time I have had a car is nine years. I moved on my own at 24 and bought my own car. My first was a lemon and then traded it in for my first "real" car. It was a used Honda Civic. I had it for nine years until my sister totaled my car. I loved my Honda Civic. It was always reliable, cute style and never let me down. Ah those were the days! Her life ended way too soon at 79,000 miles. RIP
Lets see my Van is a '94. My car is a 2004. My pick up is a '97. I have found that making a few repairs and maintaining a vehicle is cheaper than a new car payment. My insurance is also cheaper as well as my vehicle taxes. lol We keep them serviced and well maintained.
Wow, well the longest I have had a car is about 8 years and that was many years ago. My last car I had it for 6 years and I have my current car for just under 4 years and I am looking to sell it within the next two years. I just believe that in spite of all the servicing cars are never the same and do not respond as quickly as they can the older they get.
Believe it or not, we are still driving our vehicles we purchased brand new in 1995 and 1996. One is a Toyota Tacoma and the other is a Toyota Previa. I don't know why they have lasted this long, but I'm glad they have. They get pretty good mileage and don't cost a lot to keep up, with a few exceptions when they needed a few major repairs. We can't get new cars right now, but plan on getting them in about a year. We'll probably go with Toyota again.
It seems like I've had my 97 Ford Ranger for the longest time, but I cannot be sure about it. Note, the engine on it is awesome and it could probably run forever - like my eMachines computer I've had since 2011 - with zero problems. Anyway, though, I cannot say that my truck and computer haven't been kept in good shape without maintenance, though, and the truck has had some serious problems, like with the breaks and transmission. However, they were fixed.
Our previous car was Honda Civic model 1993. We bought it second hand in 1996. That was a pretty good car during that time and it gave me the confidence in dealing with people. And I’d say that we took good care of it such that it gave us a good service until we sold it in 2013. So that’s a total of 17 years for that car with us. It was bought by a resident in the community and once in a while we see that car in the streets, still looking good and running good too, according to the new owner. The value of the car increases if it is kept in good shape by regular preventive maintenance.
I have only owned one van and it was a gify from my dad, he bought it used but it worked well. I owned that van for three year and in those three years I pretty much only used it to get to work and go out a couple of times. I had to sell it because I was moving to another country and now I don't own a car. That was my first car and I miss it a lot.
I bought my brand new car in 2012. I use is everyday to drive to my office and other places. I have it for 5 years now and have decided to keep it for many more years. I rarely drive that much, so it doesn't have many kilometers on it. I had some car problems when it rained heavily last year. I service my car every year and it runs smoothly without much problem. I will keep my car for another 6-8 years.
My current car is the one that I have kept for the longest time, I bought it two years ago. The rest of my cars was sold after a few months of using because I get bored very fast by a car and I feel the need to change it. I haven't changed my actual car because its fuel consumption is very low.
I have had some pretty awful luck when it comes to cars, but my college car did last me probably about ten years, and that is by far the longest. It was still going strong too, but unfortunately I got into a pretty nasty accident and it was a goner.