I like those Oxy-Clean commercials. I'm not sure how well it works (never tried it) but I do like the presentation. I believe that a couple of people have told me that it has worked for them.
My favorite As Seen on TV product would have to be "The Perfect Tortilla Pan Set". I had originally ordered them just to make tortilla taco salad bowls. But when I started playing around with them and experimenting I started to create all kinds of really cool things. My son and I ended up creating a baked oatmeal raisin cookie bowls and using them to put peach cobbler in! We even baked really cool shaped cakes and decorated them to look like starts for a school party that he had. They can also be used to make Jell-O molds, when you use alternating flavors you get a kid friendly rainbow Jell-O star. I would love to hear some of the creative ideas that you guys have come up with for this product. Log In