The Nintendo 64 is now considered a retro game. But soon to come out on he market will be a complete console with all the games. Did you enjoy playing it back in the day? I am thinking of getting one now because I think when the newer game comes out it will even make the older one more expensive. Here is a link I found that shows the game console with games on sale for up to 85% off: Log In
I think they are a coming out with a NES style gaming unit with all the games preloaded, I could be wrong though. I personally have a NES, Super Nintedo (24), and a Super Nintendo 64 as well as other retro games that I play regularly. I have had my Super Nintendo (24) for about 19 years (it was my brothers and we grew up playing it) and I still play it to this day. I am not sure if prices will go up or not, I really don't think when the released the "new" atari the prices didn't seem to go up much on the retro ones, however I could be wrong.
The Nintendo 64 was alongside me while I was going through my childhood and beggining my teen ages. In my opinion, Nintendo 64 was the console that made Nintendo realize Its supremacy over the videogame market has ended, with its rival breaking record on sales with the PlayStation. Catridge usage was a mistake, but they sold a decent amount of units anyway, althought they don't got nowhere near as successful as the Sony Playstation.
I really liked the Nintendo 64 but there wasn't such a big library of good games on it. Admittingly, I wanted the system for only SuperMario 64 but I then managed to collect about 20 games. Most of them were boring and I mostly only enjoyed the famous titles.
I heard they are releasing a NES, and yes, the games are pre-installed. I miss playing with my NES and I did play with the Super Nintendo but not with the 64. I remember those days that I got scolded by my mom whenever she tells us to eat and I answer "I'll be eating radiation for lunch and dinner".