Sequels have been the norm in the gaming industry since time immemorial. Final Fantasy 1-15, Resident Evil 1-6, Tekken 1 to 6, you get the idea. But still, despite the number of sequels that a game has, we still purchase them as long as it's a good game. So, I'm sure that you've got one game on your mind that you want to have a sequel. What is it?
I'm looking forward to seeing the new Tekken and Burnout. I already have my favorites picked out in the previous versions of these titles, but I'm not against seeing new ones. I just wish Burnout didn't take out Crash mode, hopefully they bring it back on the next version.
The only games I'm looking forward now are the eventual King of Fighters sequel and a new GTA game, since GTA5 got me hyped for the series again. Other than that, I'd much rather see new IPs.