What Were People Ever Thinking, Moving Away From Their Parents?

Discussion in Personal Finance started by mythman • Feb 6, 2015.

  1. ABC123


    Mar 6, 2015
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    Someone may have responded similar, since I did not read everyone's response. I am only responding the initial post at the moment. The Bible state that a man shall leave his family and cling to his wife. That does not mean that the individuals left the location of their family. During Biblical times it was very likely that families lived close to each other. They helped each other on the land. The woman helped each other raise the children. As civilization matured and societies ventured to new lands with new technology, the society became more spread out. Then there comes into play groups of people who did not want to be ruled by others and their methods. They moved away. Current day in the United States, people started to develop this ideal of an American dream. I think in that individuals started to define how we live differently. It makes sense for the young people today to stay with their families until they can afford to live on their own. However, I personally would not want my children with me with their spouses and children when I am retired and want to enjoy my last days doing other things. I think they should have goals to survive on their own. But with that said, it does boil down to each person's needs and their and their families own beliefs and freedoms. It is unfortunate though that some people can not afford to live on their own or that some become homeless. It is good to have family who look out for each other in such ways. Your posed question could be discussed with more in-depth discussion if we have more time and space.
  2. Brenda Barnousky

    Brenda BarnouskyActive Member

    Feb 22, 2015
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    Why indeed my friend? And why do we really care so much about what our "cool" friends say? This really is not unique to your generation. I am a boomer and I, and a lot of my friends went through very similar experiences when we were young. In fact, my generation pretty much started the crappy idea that it's ok to move away from your "uncool" parents long before you're prepared to do so. I can only chalk it up to some sort of magical thinking Well guess what! I have children now who are in their twenties, still in school and still at home. It suits me and them just fine! The best of luck to you!
  3. JoanMcWench

    JoanMcWenchActive Member

    Oct 23, 2013
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    It's more about independence for some & escaping bad situations for others. Everyone's youth was not all peaches & cream. Some people had difficult upbringings they needed to escape. Others need to grow as people separately from their parents. You don't learn a lot of financial lessons under the protective umbrella of other people's money.