The only way I'd buy anything JUST off seeing it on tv is on pure curiosity alone. I wouldn't have any expectations on it 100% working as advertised. Needless to say, whatever the product is, it would have to be pretty cheap for me to risk buying off tv.
Yeah, most times when I start to watch an infommercial on a silly product, I'll start out thinking, "Oh brother...what a joke!" Fifteen minutes into it, I'll be on the phone with their costomer service rep saying, "Yeah, put a rush order on this. I did it ASAP!!!" They do sometimes sucker you in, don't they. But these days, I don't fall for it that soon. I will do my research online and read tons of reviews on a product to see if it's worth buying.
I never buy stuff off the TV. Ever. Never have. If it's not in stores where I can examine it first... I won't buy it.
It would have to be something I was already in the market for, first of all. I usually don't let tv products "create interest" for me. Second of all, I would never buy it the first time I saw it on tv. I would have to look around first and ascertain for myself that the tv version of it was the best/most inexpensive one I could find. I've only ever bought one thing off the tv, and it turned out to be exactly what I wanted, but it was something that I had been looking for before I ever saw it on tv.
I will usually buy something - although - never off TV I usually wait for them to come out in the stores. We have a "Grocery Outlet" in our state where food and products that don't sell go to die and you get a really good price on them. I usually wait for them to go there. I have made purchases when something obscene comes out because lets face it a really good laugh before you throw something out is totally worth 20 bucks.
Usually the price. They do such a good job though of making you think it is far better than it actually is, but usually its the price that will convince me.
The only As Seen On TV item I've ever bought is the Ninja Master Prep and the reason I bought it is that I saw it had overwhelmingly good customer reviews on Amazon and I was looking for a blender anyway. I don't buy infomercial products because I don't trust most of them. There are too many stories on the internet of infomercial products that don't work as promised.
The first thing that would draw me to a product is if it fills a need that I have a the current time. Then it would be whether I feel it would be better then what I currently have doing the job. But I would only consider actually buying a product after I have researched it online. If the reviews are pretty much negative and saying things that tell me the product is really a dud I won't buy it. But if I feel like the reviews are more or less nitpicking about a product then I would still consider purchasing it and trying it for myself.
Only if it was something i really needed and i couldn't find it anywhere else. And let me tell you that i always search for every nook and cranny before giving up.
I hate it when someone tries to sell me something.. in the halls of the mall, on the street, in the store I'm already looking through. I hate it. So infomercial or shopping channel type things turn me right off. I would never purchase anything from them, no matter how appealing.
I generally won't order products off of TV since you can almost always find them in the store for the same price or a better price - minus any shipping or bogus "handling" charges. Plus you can inspect them first hand and see the quality of them.
It would depend on how is can change how I do things for the better. You see a lot of cleaning and kitchen gadgets but which ones can really substantially help you effort wise and time wise. I also look at the price. If the item is going to shave off maybe a minute or two of work for me but costs around $100 then that just does not make sense. Checking around the internet for legitimate reviews from real users is also something I look into. I want to find out how durable the item is and if it's as easy to use as they demonstrate. Not to mention if it really does what the informercial says it does.
Agreed. There's so much junk on TV that in order for me to buy something from TV, it would have to meet a need that I have and be something that I absolutely couldn't find anywhere else.
I would do the same thing as KNH. I will Google, or search for the product on Amazon, and find out if it's there, and look at the reviews, then I will decide if I will get it or not. It's very difficult to trust the quality of anything that's been advertised on an infomercial.
The item must be actually useful to me. If it actually looks like it works, it might convince me even more. I prefer purchasing in stores, it's just much better. I don't like the hassle of calling. More importantly, if someone I knew in person were to recommend it, I would buy it.
I order to convince me to buy a product from TV, the person would have to convince me that the product could save me a ton of money or make me money. I'm always trying to come out ahead and make a small profit, so I once considered a screen printing machine that was advertised on TV because I thought about making t shirts and canvas prints of my art. But I'm glad I didn't buy it because there are websites that do printing on demand.
Like other people said it would have to be useful to me and much of the time they do have it in the store and it ends up being a lot cheaper that way. If I find out it serves a good purpose, then I google for reviews. I'm a true skeptic so I rarely have bought any As Seen on TV products. The last one I remember buying was Smooth Away. I got compensation back I believe. I wish it hadn't been a joke because I am still hoping for something that works better than Nair.
If I am watching an infomercial or an advertisment of a product on television and I decide to purchase what is being advertised, generally what makes me actually want the product is what the product is itself. I usually have to have a need for what ever is being advertised. I would't just automatically buy it with only the information I've heard and seen of television, I would have to do a bit of investegating and research on my own as well. Nornally if im interested in purchasing something I google reviews on the product in question. Sometimes YouTube video reviews help as well. If everything checks out ok and there have been no major complaints or poor performance I will then decide to purchase this product with confidence.
I would buy it if it isn't a total rip off. If the price is reasonable and the product looks like it can't be exaggerated massively. I may consider to try out some products, you can find some amazing things sometimes! But mostly it's utter trash.
The product must be practical and beneficial to my daily existence. If it doesn't fall in this simple rule of need vs want, I disregard a product instantly. No offense to womans, but mans are more likely to be black and white in their judgment, thus we don't get colorful and buy a bunch of useless stuff, which consumer statistics can back me up on this fact, that womans purchase way more things than mans.