No, I should have been specific about that time, it's because our Abby's Pizza doesn't open until 11 a.m. PST. I haven't heard of a situation like yours, never run into it either. Usually, if a site is not up, it isn't because of your ISP. I see you are in Oklahoma? I don't know what sort of internet you have, but you might ask in one of the technical boards here I know that alcohol can put you to sleep for sure, but I've found if I drink to much, I also wake up about 2 a.m. and can't go back to sleep Possibly a limited amount before bedtime might be helpful, but I have no info on it, or research to share
I'm pretty much with you on this- I like the cheap beers! Of course, I won't just go for any cheap beer, though. It's has to taste at least a little good. That said, my absolute favorite is Pabst Blue Ribbon. Say what you want about the "image" this beer has these days, it's a really cheap beer that's tasty in every form I've had it, be it can, bottle, or draft. I also like Miller High Life, and while it tastes pretty good out the bottle, I actually prefer it from the can. I like Busch, too, but that's a sometimes beer. In the case of a bar being "too fancy," I'll just order a Miller Lite. There's a few "higher tier" beers that I like, but only on special occasions. I guess it goes back to my partying days, but I can't really stand anything too hoppy, or has a complicated taste that I can only drink paired with something or while being sipped slowly. Give me something I can chug!
I really don't like beer that much. I do like wine though. I have found one beer that I do like to drink on occasion. That beer is Fosters Lager. It has a nice crisp refreshing taste.
I'm partial to Samuel Adams' beers, they have a rich flavor I don't see in popular beers. Corona is okay, I like a Fat Tire beer once in a while, that's another favorite. Guiness is a little too bitter for me. I guess I'd go with the Samuel Adams Stouts.
No beer is the best one for me. (ha ha) I hate the taste of beer. I have tried different ones - don't understand how this beverage got so popular. It probably has something to do with sports. Every time I go to a baseball game (pro), other fans are chugging beer down like water.
I am not much particular with the beers, but I drink Heineken. I am very satisfied with it and I am not looking for more. I even drink it alone. Sometimes I would drink it before I sleep. It gives me good sleep. What I also like about it is its herbal-like taste. I don't if it's just me, or really it has a some kind of that taste. I would also like to try Budweiser. Honestly I don't drink beverages like coffee, juice or any other else except tea and beer.
I didn't like the taste of it at first. It requires that you get accustomed to it. The more you taste it, the more that you are going to be familiar with it and the more that your taste preference for it will improve. Connoisseur don't come connoisseur the first time they encountered where they are expert at now.
I have tried many different beers that I don't even remember some of the names. I like most of the taste but my number one favourite is the Japanese beer called Asahi. It's pretty expensive to buy it here in my country but it's getting really popular nowadays because of its quality.
When I drink beer I just go for whatever is cheapest. To me they all taste pretty much the same to me. I really love Bud Light but i'd rather buy Natural light because it's cheaper and after you have a beer or two you can't really taste the difference. My dad on the other hand buys really expensive IPA beers because he likes the taste of them.
When it comes to beer, taste differential is more of an illusion then anything else. They all have a similar taste because they are the same product. I have never tried a beer that tasted that much different then any other beer. it's beer. it's junk. It's the drink of the lower class. Go cheap or starting drinking something better then beer.
No, beer is NOT junk! I agree that it's just a step above bottled water (like kool-aid & energy-drinks & coffee, in a slightly different direction), but there is a "process"! It really is 'liquid bread,' in a sense. And they all taste the same to you because you're young; it takes time to refine your tastes. In Norman Doidge, MD's The Brain that Changes Itself, I'm reading how the brain refines its senses down from 'activating a whole region of the brain' to 'activating separate neurons.' (When I was young, I thought coffee was yucky; as I grew, I thought of it as medicine & choked it down; now that I'm older, I notice different flavors in different brands ... my brain has a 'refined taste' for it).
Beer is not good for you and if you think of it as "liquid bread", then maybe you should hear this too then. Bread is junk. Bread is not good for our bodies You should do some research. And you say you think of coffee as medicine? I cant tell if you are joking or not. Seems like you're trolling this thread. If you believe these things, you are not healthy thats for sure.
St Pauli Girl, and a micro brew out of NYC tasted pretty good. Oh, Yeah there is Sam Adams beer is good.
Never said that bread was any kind of 'good.' andLog In! That HuffingtonPost article also tells me that YOU CAN'T KNOW HOW HEALTHY I AM BY WHAT'S HEALTHY FOR YOU & THE REST OF THE WORLD! ha-HAA!
Coors light has been my go to 'picnic favorite' for years. But if I am in a Mexican restaurant, I like to try some Corona with a lime. Or if I am in a bar that has on draft, I prefer to have the foam. I really like dark beers on draft which is odd because Coors light is almost like water. Much like wine or brandy pairing, I think beer is a best drank depending on what you are eating it with: chips and hot dogs = Coors light. Burger = Amber draft (no specific brand), Just beer in a bar with a good friend when you can't afford food = Stout...because you basically have to chew it and so you feel like you have eaten a meal.
Look at me, I can link myself to huffingtonpost and apparently think that what I read on there are #facts come on dude.. That article says that caffeinated beverages taken daily, reduce the risk of multiple illnesses. What does "reduces the risk" even mean? How could they possibly know this without doing life-long studies on people to verify that these people show decreased illness? What kind of diets were the participants of such studies consuming? You are one of those "I trust the words of others" kind of guys. Thats good, im sure you will go far living that way. You are not one of the "suckers" that the government loves, no way not you.. come on dude. No one is so different from the next guy. We are not "all different" like some people will tell you. Our bodies create cells using the same methods as other humans. What creates strong cells? A healthy diet. What is a healthy diet? One that has a high volume of "healthy fats" and "amino acids". Beyond that what separates people? When a person is born ,they are passed on a set of genetics which are manipulated by thoughts and environment as they develop. Toxins are the one manipulator that can have a strong effect that builds gradually overtime and if untreated, you can appear to be "different" then the next person with your own "illnesses". Detoxifying the body is important to do for good health. Supplements do not effect us in the way these bullshit studies and people like you that believe them, will tell you. - Environment - Your thoughts - Diet - Toxins in the body These are the main contributors in creating the body that you develop. Be independent. You dont need "supplements" to "assist" you. You need to develop yourself to a higher level of consciousness so you are no longer susceptible to the lies that are marketed to you. DONE
'Look at me, I can not even bother looking and know that everything put there are #lies [/quote]What does "reduces the risk" even mean? How could they possibly know this without doing life-long studies on people to verify that these people show decreased illness? What kind of diets were the participants of such studies consuming? [/quote] It's called 'chemistry.' [/quote]No one is so different from the next guy. We are not "all different" like some people will tell you. Our bodies create cells using the same methods as other humans. What creates strong cells? A healthy diet. What is a healthy diet? One that has a high volume of "healthy fats" and "amino acids". Beyond that what separates people? When a person is born ,they are passed on a set of genetics which are manipulated by thoughts and environment as they develop. Toxins are the one manipulator that can have a strong effect that builds gradually overtime and if untreated, you can appear to be "different" then the next person with your own "illnesses". Detoxifying the body is important to do for good health.[/quote] I was hit by a car and doctors were saying that my then-comatose body would be nothing but a vegetable forever. I would be if I weren't different. They were working off of 'localizationism'---the old theory that the brain's neurons each can only do one-and-only-one thing, that they die when not used and that once they fall out of use they're gone forever. Yet here I am, walking & talking & typing---proof of neuroplasticity, the theory that your brain's parts learn to do what you train them to do. If I were the same, I wouldn't have bothered to train my brain that way. [/quote]Supplements do not effect us in the way these bullshit studies and people like you that believe them, will tell you. - Environment - Your thoughts - Diet - Toxins in the body These are the main contributors in creating the body that you develop. Be independent. You dont need "supplements" to "assist" you. You need to develop yourself to a higher level of consciousness so you are no longer susceptible to the lies that are marketed to you.[/QUOTE] I agree that the supplements only do a tiny bit of work. Look at these schematics for large boats; tell me how big the rudders are on each of them---the little plank that changes the direction of each ship. Now the rudder isn't the only part of the ship involved in its motion (luckily), but it has a very big effect on it. Same as supplements in the body's chemistry.
I'm not really a beer drinker, but recently started to drink the mar-rite beer there are all types of flavors and they are really good you cant even tell that they are beer cause the taste is drowned out. So if you dont like beer try the selective flavors you wont be disappointed.
When I hit 30 I started to get really into bitters and real ales, before that I was a lager drinker, now I can't even drink these as I find them far too gassy. When I go into a pub and spot a new real ale or bitter on pub that I haven't tried before I get really excited! My favourite ale is Black Sheep, I could drink that forever.
I am the opposite to you. The first time I tasted beer at age 14 I thought it was horrible. I still do not like the taste so much. But n the 70's my husband and I would go down to Seattle and we would have a cool tall glass of American beer in a pub and I really liked the lighter refreshing taste. So American beer is my favorite.