Really? Huh..I always felt like dogs were more of an expense than rabbits. You do have to buy them litter, a cage (I always used the same cage for all my rabbits) food and a water bottle but you don't have to buy them as many toys or treats like you do dogs and you don't have to take them to the vet unless they are sick.
All at once... 1 basset hound1 pit/lab/heeler/19otherthings mixed breed1 German Shephered / Husky mix2 pitbulls1 cat1 frogThe frog might not count; he took up residence in the kiddy pool we kept outside for the dogs to play in and we eventually named him Henry.
The most pets I've had is two. I owned a pair of hamsters before but they got eaten by a stray cat who's living near our place before. We left their cage outside because we were cleaning the house and when we came to bring the cage back my hamsters were already gone. Aside from that I also owned a pair of lovebirds but they also died because I frequently toyed with them since I was still very little back then. It looks like those kind of pets should just be left alone in order for them to thrive. Finally, I own two pet dogs who are just the cutest dogs in the world. I'm all grown up now so I know how to take care of them. I just wish that my previous pets didn't die and I kinda felt guilty while I was replying to this post because I remembered about them.
For me it was 5, all cats. I rescued a cat from by brother's ex-girlfriend due to neglect. When we took her in, my girlfriend and I went to have her fixed only to realize that she was pregnant! She gave birth to four healthy kittens, and we took care of them all until we found homes for some of them. It was pretty easy to raise them, as their mom pretty much did everything (even taught them to use the litter box!). Two of them went to my girlfriends co-worker, so we get to see updates every now and then, and we ended up keeping the other two. So now we have the 3 kitties, and they are one big happy family
We currently have three, and I think that is the most we ever have at the same time. We have a rabbit, a dog, and a hermit crab! Rabbit and hermit crab are the easiest to care for, and don't have to worry about overnight stay at other places.
We have currently achieved an all-time high when it comes to raising a large entourage of pets. We have three dogs, five cats and seven fishes. If we include our three fighting cocks in this current list, that would make the total number of 18 creatures living in our territory for the past few years.
I did have 6 dogs all at once. I do believe that there is nothing better than to have a pack of dogs. And i did not find it very difficult to take care of them . I do believe that there is nothing difficult about it as long as you love them .