I'd go with Wreck-It-Ralph, I found it to be fairly different from most Disney movies, but it really appealed to me as a gamer!
A few old school ones I like include Aladdin and The Last Unicorn. But I'm also a fan of more or less anything Tim Burton has a hand in , Nightmare Before Christmas probably being my favorite of his. I really liked How to Train Your Dragon and Despicable Me, as well...fun shows .
My favorite animated movies definitely has to be toy story. I think that toy story was the first animated movies that I had ever watched and it is also that motive that will stick with me for a lifetime. It was and still is the best movie that I have ever watched that was animated.
Cars, Ratatouille, Kung Fu Panda, and The Lion King are the movies that I liked. Kung Fu Panda was also mildly funny, so you might want to check out that one first.
The number one animated movie for me is ALADDIN (1-3), followed by TOY STORY (1-3), and the OVER THE HEDGE.
Hmmm here are some of my favorites: 1. Enchanted (though the first and end parts are the only ones animated ) 2. Toy Story 3. Frozen 4. Beauty and the Beast 5. Monsters Inc.
My favorite animated movie would be Wall-e. It is heart warming and funny but mostly because I felt it fit into the sci-fi genre which I love. Eva, Eva...
My favourite animated movie is king fu panda. I think it is one movie that I enjoy watching on any given day. We learn quite a lot by watching that movie and it is quite inspirational.