What's Your Opinion On Media & Beauty?

Discussion in Health & Beauty started by azeemah kaleem • Jun 5, 2015.

  1. radzi

    radziActive Member

    Apr 23, 2015
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    That's an interest of mine and something I've always loved to research. Media basically twists beauty. The thing is, beauty is subjective. What I find beautiful you wouldn't find beautiful. Now, please note what I'm going to say because it's really important. Today, you may look around and see as if beauty is objective, you might think that a person who has fat is not worthy in society, a person with a shape of a nose a shape of face, a skin color or size could fall from that objectivity of beauty. Why is it the case? Media. The fact that media is a universal concept and movies and hollywood and all that influence, it is the biggest influence because it is universal. If you want to find people who really have a different opinion on beauty, it's those who don't watch any of it, never seen it or been interested. They think it's utterly useless and brainwashing.
  2. DreekLass

    DreekLassWell-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    I have been wondering where you have been, actually, JosieP. I have been learning how to make some decent money online, for once, instead of settling for peanuts :) I sincerely hope that all is well with you!! :)
  3. leovew

    leovewNew Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    I've got to say that media have blinded us with the wrong standards of beauty. As sad as it may seem, people have gotten the 'flu' and have been living to believe that the media is true. The media does this to support commercialism and capitalism. If they tell us the true meaning of beauty, then lots of businesses will plunge to bankruptcy.
  4. JosieP

    JosiePWell-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2013
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    You should share the wealth then, I'm barely posting anymore. The other one you left turned into everything I hate and as of the other day, I've found it too irresponsible to be a part of anymore. I worry about people's health, I'm not about to risk it further by supporting something like that. And this place doesn't have much for me to contribute to.. so I've only been able to do a post here and there. Ah well.. not a biggie. I'm so glad you found something that works for you! Is it something you enjoy doing? That would be total bonus :)
  5. DreekLass

    DreekLassWell-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    I know, I noticed. I have found myself wondering if everything was ok with you, a couple of times, and then you posted again, and my heart was set at ease. I left the other one because it negatively was effecting how much I was earning, so I had to stop. Irresponsible in what way?? I am not enjoying the work itself per se, although I don't mind it. It is more the snagging money here and there that is the enjoyable and exciting part, and I don't mind doing the work.
  6. JosieP

    JosiePWell-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2013
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    Well, it's one thing for someone like me to post thoughts on health and nutrition.. rarely does anyone listen lol. But when the person that runs the joint (and makes money from that particular industry's products) talks, people tend to listen. Because we all know those who make money off other's struggles are the end all be all. Not even a "see your doctor" knowing you can't possibly give an answer without knowing someone's whole situation.. but no matter how little info, the answers are apparently always clear and they come with a discount code. I disagree with too much and even if I turn out to be wrong, there's a lot I don't share in case someone does listen to me.. you never know what's going on on the other side of that computer. You need to know SO much more about them to give any sort of advice unless the advice is pretty benign. Most times it is.. but here and there my jaw drops and I want to reach through and shake anyone listening lol. I won't even list recipes in case one of them is too boring for someone and it backs up all they've ever thought of healthy eating so they turn away from it! LOL. The point is being more mindful of the audience and less on your agenda.. it goes against everything I believe in, no matter how small time you are.

    Annnnd end rant lol. But yes, I'm more than fine.. just nothing to write about. Everyone is talking about "stuff and things" and all I can say is "not a fan" lol. The variety is lacking. But so glad you have other options. I guess in the end, most of us will have to do things we don't enjoy for money, but if we change the perspective a bit, it all becomes great. We work on our own terms for the most part and that's worth so much :)

    You're good though? health, family etc?

    We should start a debate in here so I have something to do lol...
  7. hayrake

    hayrakeActive Member

    Dec 8, 2014
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    I think the media definitely at least tries to sell us on an impossible physical image. It would appear that they like to keep people thinking they lack in some way. Well, heck. That's what sales are all about. Making someone feel they need to look a certain way, feel a certain way, have certain things.

    People just need to realize that ads all about the sales. The numbers. The almighty dollar.

    And movies and music videos? Same thing as the ads. It's just hidden a little better.
  8. DreekLass

    DreekLassWell-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    My thing is, people don't have to take my word for gospel. But they should do their research. That is all I ask, and it is not for me. It is for them. But people don't seem to care, even when it concerns their health. They don't care to learn how it all works. I agree that it can get very frustrating, but there comes a point where you just have to let people do their own thing - for your own sanity - which is what you did by refraining from posting there any longer.

    I am glad that overall you are fine!!! :) I am great overall. Water is really helping with the IBS. Family are same old same old lol. Money is the thing that I am focused on at the moment though. It is great actually having some for a change. Recently split up with my lady friend, but I am glad to be shot of her. I am sooooo not a relationship person, it is not even funny lol.
  9. JosieP

    JosiePWell-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2013
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    In my day to day life, I don't talk about this stuff unless asked. Which I am often, but they come to me, they're open to it lol. On here, it's all I have to respond to, so I look obsessive lol. Though admittedly, it does get irritating when people are genuinely concerned and sad about their weight and health, but refuse logic. But that's as far as it goes.. to everyone here or the other place, it looks like this is all I think about and my world revolves around it and trying to convert everyone, but no lol. I'm not as affected as I probably come off and I've accepted long ago that I can't help everyone because they don't want to be helped.. not really (again, eerily similar to talking about drug addicts). If anything, it's given me practice for when people do come to me. I've heard every excuse in the book now and I'm ready for it all offline lol. Otherwise, online or off, if you spread information and advice to people that trust you, you better make sure it's accurate and safely done.. real people are reading, so yes, I get upset about that. I worry about those who don't know enough to research or do it properly.. it's not always wilful ignorance. They pretty much trust you've done the research for them and there is one clear cut answer to almost everything. Not saying I'm perfect and know it all.. but nobody gets ill from eating right lol.

    I'm sorry it didn't work out for the two of you! Seriously, move here.. I know plenty who'd be on the same page as you lol. And plenty more if you ever find yourself ready for a relationship. And super happy to hear about the IBS improvement.. I hear more about that in my daily life than almost anything, so I know how exhausting it can be.
  10. DreekLass

    DreekLassWell-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    I totally understand. It is similar with my spirituality. So many techniques have worked for me when it comes to changing certain circumstances, and when I see other people who are suffering with some of the problems that I used to, I really want to give them the answer - sometimes do, but nothing improves for them because they are refusing 'logic.' These little situations, I'm convinced, are to teach folk like us to let go easier, and keep it moving. I'm talking to this girl on tumblr who is a self-pity party, and there is nothing wrong with that, although it is VERY frustrating when I am trying to give her advice, and it is just going in one ear and out of the other, due to the fact that - and I know it sounds cold - she's quite happy to be depressed, because it means that her followers will give her attention whenever she wants, because they think she is fragile. She likes the attention. I won't be a part of it. It is so boring and frustrating. She won't try anything that I suggest - not the medical stuff either - or tells me that she has tried things before and it hasn't worked, and the fact that she isn't even going to try to improve her situation again is implied.

    I agree that it is not always willful ignorance. I know you don't think that you know it all, but you know a good portion and there is nothing wrong with saying that!! ;)

    No apologies necessary. I broke up with her because she was a whiney, slightly (and innocently enough) manipulative, baby, despite being 29 -_- I need a strong woman, because I am a strong woman, and if I was to settle down with a weak woman, I'm always going to feel like the 'bad guy,' because I'm the one who always has to make the tough decisions, and I am the honest one, and I am the one who has the balls to speak up. Make sense? Know any lovely women like that where you live??? :) Lol!!! I'm so happy single - I don't know if I'd ever want to trade it in for a relationship lol. But for the right woman, I'd do anything I suppose.

    Still waiting for you to come over here and cook my meals to prevent the IBS from getting any worse ;)
  11. Dora M

    Dora MWell-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    I think that today's general image of what is perceived as "beautiful" and desirable is a very distorted view of what is real and natural. Implanting silicon into various body parts, and having your face modified in such a way that you become unrecognizable isn't exactly healthy. Being skinny, nipped and tucked and modified in every which way, seems to have become the norm. Sporting a "photoshopped" look appears to be what the majority wants these days.
  12. Sunflogun

    SunflogunActive Member

    May 6, 2015
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    The notion of beautiful for me is just ridiculous and even a menace to health. Take for instance fashion. Is it really necessary to be that tall and thin to be beautiful? Obviously not and what looks good on the screen, looks skinny on the real life.
  13. JosieP

    JosiePWell-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2013
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    Lmao! It's all in eating real and weeding out the ones that don't work for ya, e-sista! Little more to it than that, but that's the gist of it. Plus depending on the person, healing can be a long process. How long have you been going through this again? I'm still learning a lot about gut issues, since they're so prevalent.. but even the pros don't have all the answers, so all I can do is study what's out there, go by past personal experience, my husbands experience and like the bajillion other people's experiences I know offline because doctors are useless when it comes to this. Makes it that much harder when (almost) no two cases are the same. But I would absolutely love to come cook for you! Food is my thing, if you hadn't noticed lol.

    Yes, talking to people here and elsewhere has taught me a few things, but again, I wouldn't say anything at all if I had anything at all to contribute to any other threads lol. As I've said before, I annoy myself with all the repeating ad nauseam, I know how it looks to some lol. The ones that do get under my skin though, I'm learning to hold back.. all I want to do is book a flight and rehab the snot out of them, but I stay seated and move to the next thread. See? Restraint! haha. But it's all because I worry.. I may think highly of myself in a girl power sorta way, but a know it all, holier than thouer I am not lol. Speaking of rehab, that's exactly what I want to do.. whaddya think?

    I do know women like that! They are exactly who I had in mind, actually. I've got a good feel of you by now I think, I wouldn't steer you wrong. Who knows who you'll be in another 10 or 20 years, but right now you need what you need and maybe that'll be all you'll ever need (not NEED, but you know what I mean lol) and right now I know the perfect 2 or 3 people for you so you have to move here and I'll cook for you and omghowcoolwouldthatbe?! :p
  14. DreekLass

    DreekLassWell-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    Yes, healing can take many different forms. That's fine. But don't come to me asking for advice when it is clear that the intention is not to get better, but instead to suck me of my energy because you are running low. Know what I mean? No time for it lol.

    The Ibs has been bothering me for years. I just didn't know that it was IBS to begin with. Yes, one of the issues with gut issues is that there is a lot of information still to be discovered. There is still no cure for IBS. There is just managing it, unfortunately. But then again, I wouldn't be shocked if there was a cure, and they just weren't telling people. After all, docs are trained to keep you coming back and spending more money. I would LOVE for you to cook for me. Free food is my thing ;)

    You've often got to repeat yourself though, because you are encountering new people with misguided logic on forums. Stay away from rehab. You don't need it :)

    I can just see it now, you hooking me up with one of your friends and cooking for us :O I'm SOOO here for that lmao!! :)
  15. JosieP

    JosiePWell-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2013
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    Haha it would be awesome! And you'd have the best of both worlds, because when you're done with her for the night, you can come out and we can pick each other's brains and bore the snot out of anyone within earshot lol. Thems would be some epic conversations, me thinks.

    I agree about those who complain with no intent of doing anything about it. It's usually apparent with their first sentence after they hear what needs to be done too. I had a girlfriend come to me recently; her body is an absolute mess. Her guts, her joints, she's always sick, she's heavier than ever. She begged me, she swore she would do anything, she was so exhausted etc. I gave her an extreme short run down, because I knew what was coming. "Oh I can't, because...". Yep, I know.. you're the only person on the planet who can't, I'm devastated for you. It's absolute torture to live the way you do, BUT health is out.. okie doke, no judgies. And I do mean no judgies. I might get annoyed, but.. in the end, my eyes are on "the man", not those they've got their greedy little grubs on. Addiction is a terrible thing.

    And I didn't mean I needed rehab!!! hahaha.. When I win a bajillion dollars, silly. I'm going to buy a piece of paper and then some land to plop a rehab down so when people come to me for help they can't escape lmao.
  16. Andrea Phillips

    Andrea PhillipsActive Member

    Jan 18, 2015
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    I do not like going by the media perception of beauty. They are basically selling products and do not care if their products and images are harmful to people, just so long as they make money. I know beauty begins within and I love natural beauty care because it is more healthy and enduring. I do not like the carbon copy trends, because our personal beauty is valuable.
  17. DreekLass

    DreekLassWell-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2014
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    When I'm done with her for the night??? :O I'm sorry but I'm not quite past that sentence yet lol. What are you running, some kind of brothel?? Hahaha!!! I never care that anyone else is bored when I am not, so that plan sits fine with me ;) LOL!!!

    I mean yes, some people do have things that won't/don't work for them of course. Not everything that works for you is going to work for another person, especially if their thinking is so different from yours. But it is important just to throw stuff out there to get their reaction, and figure out where people really are in terms of whether they genuinely want change or not.

    What was this girlfriend's problem? Was she always stressed and following a terrible diet??? I love how the words of advice were not even hot out of your mouth yet, before the excuse began to hit you. I love that you and I are able to differentiated this - that it is not actual judgement any further than getting annoyed or frustrated, because we both know who is really responsible for the crap that goes on today.

    Oooooh. My bad, regarding the rehab miscommunication, which was your fault btw ;) Hahahahaha!!!
  18. JosieP

    JosiePWell-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2013
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    Absolutely! I feel bad for people who are stuck in bodies that are no longer their own. We have a choice, but usually these things start when we don't, or when we didn't know any better and now they're running on addiction and myths. I completely understand them and feel for them. Every time I talk to someone or on here when I go on.. it's "them" I'm angry with. One of the few groups that can get any sort of negative reaction out of me anymore. They destroy so many.

    LMAO no brothel! hahaha.. sorry, that did sound bad, didn't it lol. You know what I meant!

    And yes, a terrible diet.. in comes the joint issues and gut issues so common to said diet. She and her kids are constantly sick, useless doctor etc. (among many other things). I don't base anything on what works for me.. you know my mind isn't that small by now don't you? lol.
  19. Sunflogun

    SunflogunActive Member

    May 6, 2015
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    I've seen in person some celebrities and I am shocked with what I see, because they are literally skin and bone. I don't know how they can live like that, but on TV they look stunning. So that's how media distorts reality.