I am slowly shifting to korean makeups because I really love the promises I see from reviews online. The first korean product I bought is bb cream from Sasa. So I searched and found other couple of credible shops to buy these products from, if you buy from them too please share your experience. Thank you! Cosmetic-love Roseroseshop Beautynetkorea Wishtrend Koreaevery Koreadepart
My best friend bought some creams from Beautynetkorea and she received them and they were good. I think it was the snail cream from Mizon. But I also read online that some people received used products, so I don't know if she was only lucky or not. I wanted to try some korean BB creams as well, so let me know if that Sasa one was good!
I always for a long time wanted to try out Korean cosmetics! I saved some Korean products at Amazon. I saved some Etude House things. I also should just go to the Etude House site and buy the things. I will also try out other sites to buy Korean products. I just keep forgetting to when I do get money. I hope it works for me!