I've been signing up for a lot lately and I've decided I'm going to need a new email or two for my sign ups so that I don't get too much junk on my main accounts. I've always just used Gmail just because it's the most official nowadays but I'm wondering if there are some others that are equally as good. I think their service is the best for now but I'm always looking for alternatives just in case I'm missing out. Which free email service do you choose to use and why?
I use Gmail and Hotmail (Outlook). I still prefer Outlook for the way the email is settled, but I have been using Gmail more for professional stuff.
I use Gmail and Hotmail as well.. just because they were the first ones that came to mind at the time and I don't like either one. Gmail isn't too too bad, but I can't clean it up like I can others. I want to delete all my sent emails, but if I do that, I delete any of the ones I've saved for whatever reason. Each category is connected that way. Can't block anyone either.. just redirect their mail. Otherwise, it's worlds better than hotmail/outlook, but I'm also not a big google fan these days, so I'll keep my eye on this thread for other ideas.
Ive had various email accounts over the years, as I'm sure a lot of people will have. At the moment though my main email account I use is Gmail and I have to say its probably the best one I've had. It doesn't seem to have any gimmicks attached to it, it does exactly what you want an email service to do. Its easy to access across all different platforms, easy to use and I'd say its as close to 100% secure as you can possibly get.
I have four different email accounts. One is for junk that I use when filling out surveys or subscribing to things. It's an outlook account that I don't pay much attention to. The second is strictly for mystery shopping and it's a Gmail account. My third is a recent personal account with live and the fourth is a Gmail account I've had forever that keeps my contacts, pictures and apps backed up on my phone. Gmail is my favorite because it is compatible with my phone and easy to navigate and use. I love that if I delete something or add something on my mobile that it reflects the changes on my laptop and tablet.
I've use several in the past that were free I don't know if any are around today but most were hotmail accounts. Today I use gmail and my most favorite is Yahoo mail. I've been told it is not the best for professional purposes. I beg to differ though and have been very pleased with the features it has. All my junk mail is directed to one file and as long as I add addresses to my contact list for my inbox I don't get any spam. Personally, I'm not one to follow the trends that are set.
I stick with Gmail and Yahoo for most of my emails in general. I use them with my smartphone as well. I have an old Excite account but I rarely use it these days as I tend to get a lot of junk mail sent through to it.
I have always used GMAIL. I like how the security works with GMAIL accounts. I did use Yahoo mail but I didn't find it to be as good.
I have been using Yahoo and Gmail for the longest time and I check my email every single day. I also used Hotmail but then I had a problem logging on to my account but I'm going to try it again soon. My emails are mostly for my work at home stuff but I also use it for personal reasons.
You could try Shortmail. But the thing I hate most about Shortmail is that you can't send a message that's longer than 500 characters. I created an account but I never use the email service once I learned that I couldn't send long messages and that probably is the reason I prefer to stick with Gmail because . . . well, it's much better most of the other free email services.
I had this experience where my emails from Gmail just permanently disappeared, so I prefer Yahoo, at least all of my emails there remained intact. Hotmail also has this case of disappearing emails, but at least they get restored when I log in again. In Gmail, my mysteriously deleted emails were gone forever.
I've used most of them at some time, but stick to gmail and an old yahoo one which I keep because it's so old its easy, but yahoo is becoming more overburdened with ads it takes so long to get anything done or read. I also have some outlook and inbox accounts, but I hate the verification process with gmail and yahoo. I know they want to keep things safe, but it's sometimes inconvenient as I don't have good cellphone reception all the time, and what about people that don't have a cellphone?
I like gmail because of it's universal-ness, folder system, and drive. I like outlook because I think it looks a little more professional to have an @outlook address. I like gmx.com because they allow you to create up to 10 alias addresses within the account and I can use those to sign up for things and then delete them if they're getting a lot of spam.
Yahoo Mail for business or misc. I have a couple of them, and they were made from that outlet because the sign-up is very easy. My main email is through Outlook because the app is simple for me and it links to my Skype now as well so everything is really neat and tidy when using Hotmail. I think the safety precautions are heavier on Hotmail over Yahoo! too, so that's why I've decided one over the other as my main.
I use Yahoo, Hotmail, and Gmail. I have several accounts, all for different purposes, personal, shops, surveys, etc., so having different ones works for me, and I have them all connected to my iPod, so I can check them all without having to be at the computer or laptop. I have had Hotmail and Yahoo the longest, so I'm most comfortable and familiar with those, although I mainly keep the Hotmail for one eBay account. It's a good backup for when I open another email account and need a primary to list on that account in case I lose the password, since I don't want to list a phone number for that purpose.
I have GMail and Yahoo email addresses, although had I the choice I'd have ditched every single one of my Yahoo email accounts for security reasons. I don't know if you guys have personally experienced this but in the past, some bug hacked into my Yahoo account twice and sent links from my address. I had to do some damage control by sending people a follow-up mail, telling them that someone if not a bot hacked my email and pretended to be me. I also had to change my password into something more complicated and difficult to remember. I have never had hacking issues with GMail so far. Unfortunately, there are way too many contacts in my Yahoo accounts so I don't have the luxury of time to inform everyone that I'll stop using them.
xTinx, that has been an ongoing issue with Yahoo mail. I've learned to just ignore the spam mails. I'm not sure the accounts have been hacked, so much as the spammers seem to have a way of knowing Yahoo mail addresses, and spoofing emails from those named accounts. I don't think they've actually gotten into the accounts themselves, but just use the email addresses. I'm not sure if that makes sense, but I hope it does. I have noticed almost, if not all of those, go into my Spam folder now, and everyone I know who uses Yahoo mail is aware of the issue. Thankfully, the first line or subject line usually gives them away, so they're fairly easy to spot. That being said, I cannot stand spammers/scammers, and I still find it irritating having to deal with it and them, even though it's been going on for years.
Ever since I started using the computer, I have always used Yahoo Mail, and I think I'm going to stick to it. I also have a Gmail account, but I don't utilize it that much.
You'll always get spam from all emails, especially if you have an address that's easy to remember. I get emails by mistake from people as well. What I find with yahoo is that deleting is a chore and gmail just seems easier. Maybe because there are so many adverts on yahoo, I click them when I'm actually trying to go to delete and it takes longer and my having to return the page. I know you can pay to get rid of the adverts, but do they need that many?