I love to exercise almost everyday to keep my body fit. I generally wake up early in the morning. I go for a walk around my neighbourhood first thing in the morning. The morning fresh air relaxes me and fills me up with positive thoughts. After that I meditate for 10 minutes. Next I do some basic exercises at home like push ups, sit ups, planks and jumping jacks. I prefer to exercise in the morning. It keeps my body active and fresh. Some people like to exercise in the evening. When do you people like to exercise?
According to Dr. Oz you're doing the right thing to exercise in the morning. Here is the url to the article:Log In Exercise is good as long as you do exercise any time of the day. I see some people exercise after a stressful day at work, to unwind and get over the day, too. The article says exercising is always good for your health. It'll save you money for you won't be eating or drinking anything while you exercise too, lol.
I rarely check the time to exercise because I believe when I walk to school or to the salon, I am already exercising. I like dancing at home when I listen to music. Washing my clothes and the house on weekends is also another form of exercise. I realized that if I put a specific time to exercise, I will give up soon or later because I might start feeling like I am too hard on myself. I know exercising is in my daily routine because of the small tasks I do.
I think you have all day to exercise-but you should really ease into it in the morning because thats when most heart attacks occur, is in the morning-also mondays are a bad day as well for these attacks because they say its the most stressful day of the week. I like to exercise in the afternoon and even go outside in nature to make me feel really good-with some sunlight hitting my face is nice as well- and its good for your mental health. If I am stuck inside though, I can exercise and dance around in my room-but I like to do this in the afternoon or later.
I always do my routine after work. That is the time I know I can still move and can still complete a task. I am not a morning person so doing it early in the morning is out of the question. I have no specific time of doing it. As long as it is 1 hour after my work end. That is the time I start my exercise.
From almost all people I have heard that morning is the best time for exercising. So yes it is. Honestly I used to sleep late at night. So its kind of habit that I don't able to wake up early in the morning. So I do my exercising session at evening. I guess better than nothing. As I can't wake up early in the morning I have to shift it to evening. Though whenever I go for near sports club every people advice me to come at the morning for better result.
I usually exercise in the morning, I go jogging and when I come back home I am exercising with my tools for at most an hour. For me this time is enough for one day, I am exercising three times a week and I always do this in the morning because I would not have the power to do it when I come back from my job!
I like exercising in the mornings. I often wake up at 6am. After I wake up, I have a schedule of a 20 minutes devotion time as I drink some glasses of water all along. Then afterwards, I'll leave for jogging then head to our garage room to lift some weights. This only takes an hour, and then I head to take a shower and by 7.30am I'll be set to take the breakfast and energized to kick-start the day.
I always prefer to exercise in the morning (in the first hours) because it's the time when I feel more willing to do so. My second option would be the evening.
Normally exercising is done in the morning hours but due to time constraints many do it at their convenience. I do it in the mornings which involves walking and stretching which helps my knees.
Morning is the best time to exercise. That is when we are fresh after a whole night's sleep, our body is rested, our mind is also free of any clutter or stress. I go for a walk each morning and I notice that the air outside too is also fresh and clean, as it is not yet polluted from all the vehicles. So I think morning is the best time to exercise, but then to each his own. Some people exercise better in the afternoons or evenings. So everyone must plan their exercise time according to when they are the most productive or feeling the best.
For me, the best time to exercise is in the early mornings. I prefer Friday through Sunday mornings for outdoor exercises like running, clingy or walking. I don't exercise every single day so I kind of alternate. Some days, I can just decide to stay home and do some light stretching or use my Zumba videos in my living room. I also exercise in the evenings sometimes if the morning period is not convenient. But I never do any exercises in the afternoon.
The best time is early in the morning and I try my best to do it first thing after my routine (nature's call) for years without fail even when I am out of my home town. When back at my home I generally go to a park for this purpose about 9 km from my home and spend there about one hour. While away from home I either take the advantage of hotel's gym and at my present location I am lucky to have a public park with all exercising apparatus and facilities right in front of my home.
I have two dogs so I am out and about quite early and walk them throughout the day whatever the weather. There are times when it is pouring with rain when I wish I didn't have to but I have all the right clothes for wet weather and take them out regardless. I think walking is probably one of the best exercises as it's something nearly everyone can do providing their health allows it.
I do my exercise regimen during the morning before taking up breakfast and after taking up my coffee boost. It's been my routine since I started switching to this so called healthy life style during my late twenty's. And so far I'm still at it and enjoying every time I perform it.
I am not sure if it is this way for everyone but if I work out too late I tend to get terrible sleep. I always try to convince myself it will be fine too but it never works. For this reason, and to wake up, I like getting a work out in the morning.
As a mom to three young kids, early morning is the best time for me to exercise. I learned to wake up early before my kids do, so I can do some work without much interruptions and distractions. I am trying to add in exercise to my early morning, whether to go out for a 30 minute jog or just exercise at home. I also do some simple exercises together with my kids in the morning, and we go to the park in the evening. This help them to have more movements, but for myself, I really need to quiet morning exercises.