I hate chlorinated water since I know that chlorine, being one of the halogens, is poisonous. This chemical is in common use to treat water in tanks, wells, e.t.c. I do prefer boiling since any water treatmemnt targets potential pathogenic microbes present in the water. Another advantage of boiling is that the chemical compostition of water is not altered, and unlike chemical treatment. And boiling also is cheap and you won't spend a penny lighting a fire. What do you prefer, adding chemical substances to water or boiling it?
I've never actually had to treat my own water before but from what you're saying, I'd say boiling would be the way to go because I also hate the fact that the chemicals being used to treat the water are dangerous and possibly poisonous. I think it's sad that we just drink water without ever worrying about the stuff they are putting in it, and whether or not it is actually harming us. We really do need to start paying more attention.
I love boiled water. Boiling does not only kill bacteria, it is also affordable. I hear people say boiled water is not tasty because it has no oxygen. You need to cool it well before drinking. I also dislike treated water because of the harsh chemicals but it is hard to know if it is treated especially if you drink water outside your home.
I prefer boiled water to treated water because boiled water is more healthy plus chlorinated water leaves a particular taste in your mouth. However boiled water is more suitable for domestic water consumption. In large institutions like schools it may be impossible to boil water for the large population and hence treated water is more preferable in such places.
The water that we use to drink is supplied by spring water as managed by our local water district. There is a time that the water tasted like a chlorine. Probably it is being treated with. And the people never complain. But when we're not sure that the water isn't potable we boil it. We never treat it with a chemical purifier.
My family used to install water filter with infra-red feature when I was young, and we just drank the filtered water. I am not sure how the water was filtered, we have been drinking that for years. Now that I am married and have my own family, my husband prefers to boil the water even our water has been filtered. He thinks the water is safer to drink after being boiled, especially the quality of water is not really good in our area. I never like those treated with chemicals, as they are harmful and I don't think they taste good too.
If boiling water can give me a perfectly clean water free from all forms of germs then I'll go for boiling than use of chemicals in water treatment. As much as possible I like to reduce interference with chemicals especially in the areas of food and water. Indirect consumption through food or water of some of these chemicals in the body may pose health problem.
We have a water purifier filtering system that we use at our home. Actually, we have two of them, and one is the portable Brita pitcher. We use that for water to make coffee with because it is heated enough to get rid of contaminants when we make the coffee with it. We also have a tall filter that had 4-5 direct filters that the water goes through, and then it passes through minerals to add mineral back into the water again. It also spins the water when you pour it out of the spot, and putting water through a vortex is supposed to be extremely good for drinking wat, and it affects the ions in a ositive way.
I am averse to chemicals and boiling gives the water a bad taste. We only boil drinking water when we are camping in the mountains and the source of water is a spring. Just to be sure that there are no germs so we boil it. But for home use, the tap water here is pretty good so a filtering system will do. Most drinking water here are filtered.
I would say to boil water is a more beneficial and useful method. It is a method that has been used from years, its cheap, easy and healthy for people. Hopefully, if you plan on drinking said water after boiling it, you already have ice with you to help cool it down. All it really comes down to in patience.
None, I do not use any of the features mentioned in the OP's post but use a 5 stage water filter with RO and UV as main functions and having a filter of 0.0001 micron. Some companies claim that such a fine mesh filters out some of the essential minerals from water so it's not advisable but water in my area is of such a bad quality that I have no choice but to use it. However, while living in Australia I do not use the facility provided by council of filtered water but use direct tap water which is very much safe.
We use neither method in the OP's post. Boiling is more expensive because you have to use gas to boil water for at least ten minutes to kill microbes. It can kill microbes but it can't remove impurities or chemical toxins. Boiling is more commonly used in rural areas in our country. We prefer to buy purified water in bulk because it is cheaper. There are many refilling station in our area and they use the reverse osmosis technology with several filtration stages to purify water. Nowadays, many moms prefer to buy distilled water in 5-gallon containers for their babies instead of boiling water.
I prefer using recommended chemical-treatment. Boiling kills minerals in the water that the human body needs for survival such as Iron, Florine, and Magnesium. Also, chemical treatment of water ain't good too. It will induce other chemicals to your body such as Chlorine which in consistent consumption causes illness and Cancer as a long-term effect. Get online and research about the use of black-charcoal for treating water for consumption. It only absorbs the chlorine alone from the water and leaves you the other safe minerals your body needs.
While boiling is effective, I believe chlorine is still more effective for getting rid of most pathogens. We drink tap water in my country and it is chlorinated, so it's not like I have a choice in the matter though. I can however safely say that I hate the taste of boiled water. It tastes really bad.
The local way of boiling the water will always be my choice day in day out. It's a lot more healthy to use such treatments measures when it comes to making your water safe for drinking. Chemicals aren't always safe no matter how much they portray it to be good and safe. It always comes with a side effects which takes time to manifest depending on one's body system. Some people with over sensitive skin and body get affected immediately they use such chemical treated water.
I agree with you @Martinsx that boiling makes your water safer to some extent but not completely. Boiling doesn't take impurities out or kills all bacteria. Even chemicals are no good for complete water treatment so drinking water coming through pipeline is not safe especially in some parts of the world including ours. So what I find best is RO+UV system with 6 stage filtration that keeps essential minerals intact in drinking water.
Are you sure that boiling doesn't kill all germs and bacteria? The reason why I'm asking is that from what I was told back then, it certainly eliminates all of the germs that contaminates our drinking water. I don't seem to have any knowledge about the use of RO+UV system with 6 stage filtration. Please can you throw more light on that?
Yes, boiling water kills bacteria to large extent but we should know that it's not the guarantee of elimination of all micro-organisms. Some bacteria can survive at 100 °C or more. Boiling also does not eliminate the impurities in water. Maybe you get a better quality water in your place but quality of water is too bad in my area.
I believe that the nature of water available in your area is major problem as to why you are saying boiling won't eliminate the germs in the water. At least we have a good water here to some reasonable extent, and boiling alone is enough to making the water suitable for drinking.
Absolutely, the water quality in our area is too even for animals so we take extra precaution and clean water supplied by water authorities by using 4 stage filter, R.O and ultra violet. Almost everyone that can afford a water purifying system available in different price ranges and different capacities. But use of water purifier is almost a necessity in our kind of water conditions. By the way, the water quality would have been better if our previous and present industries had used properly.