MY family has been making our weekly basking soda mixture since I was a kid. Pour some baking soda into a bowl and add a little water to form a paste. Brush your teeth with this paste for 10-15 minutes once per week. This is the only method that I use to keep my teeth white because, it's the only method I need. Try it out and you will see positive results.
I have done this a couple of times when I run out of toothpaste. I heard it is not good to do all the time thought. However, it has great whitening affects.
I've never actually tried this as I hear it can cause your enamel to wear away when done too frequently, but I'm sure that every now and then, it would help to whiten teeth. Maybe I should give it a shot. It can't be any worse than all of the weird chemicals found in whitening products...
I've been hearing this many times, but I've never tried it myself yet. What does it do? Does it bleach the teeth? Doesn't it make the teeth thinner? Can I do it everyday for a week and then stop? If I stop using it will my teeth be back to its previous color when I was not yet using it?
I can't do this because there is too much sodium in baking soda. However, I do like to use Arm and Hammer oral care products as they have some of the taste but are a little easier. Although I used baking soda as a kid, I never saw a big difference in my teeth.
Yes, it's a sort of bleaching agent. I wouldn't recommend doing it everyday because it can strip your teeth off of their enamels. I don't think your teeth will turn yellow again unless you are eating/drinking a lot of food that are known to stain your teeth such as coffee and wine. I would recommend using a whitening toothpaste as a "maintenance whitening" if you may. Another known method is gargling with hydrogen peroxide. Mix one part hydrogen peroxide with one part water and just gargle it for a full minute every night. Since the solution is diluted, it shouldn't harm your teeth as much as the baking soda. Plus if you notice, hydrogen peroxide is the main active ingredient in most teeth whitening products.
A lot of my friends are using this method to whiten their teeth actually. But I have never bothered myself to do it. My teeth are okay but if I ever needed to do this in the future then I would not mind to do a couple of times.
Baking soda has the benefit of being slightly basic in the mouth. This can counteract the effects of acids and actually harden enamel. This is a compound found in many toothpastes (Sodium bicarbonate or Sodium hydrogen Carbonate). Its grit is good for "sanding" off any plaque buildup cleaning the teeth down to the enamel. I agree that over use could lead to problems but once a week should be fine. It is almost harmless to the body so if you swallow it, you will be fine (eat a box of it and you may regret it). I like that it doesn't contain a strong bleaching agent.
This has an instant effect for me. I would say 10-15 minutes is seriously over doing it. I would say you can start to notice effects within 2 minutes and 5 is the maximum you should be brushing for. It is very abrasive so it can lead to bleeding gums if you brush too vigorously.
I've never heard of this, does it really work? Wouldn't brushing your teeth for 15 minutes straight damage them in any way? This would be a fantastic thing to do if it really works, just need to make sure there really is no harm in trying