I don't really give flowers to people all that often. If I do it is usually for a sad event, like a funeral or something, and I'm not really giving flowers to that person because they are dead. I don't have that sort of relationship to where I can give flowers to someone and feel comfortable doing it with anybody else, besides my mother.
The only people I give flowers to are people in the hospital lol. Just to brighten their room and hopefully their spirits. I don't know what else to bring.. it's so cliche, but it's a nice gesture and the very least I can do. Otherwise, not a fan of giving flowers. If anything, I would buy them for myself, to put around the house or something, but even then, I'd rather buy fake ones so I don't have to keep repurchasing and killing plants lol.
They are very cliche. The only people that go into hospital these days are my two little sisters, since they both have illnesses that will rear its head every now and then. But I am hardly going to send the little ones flowers. I do find flowers a little boring too, although they can be very pleasant at the same time. I hate when the flowers die. They get all brown and slimey, and boy do they smell like unwashed ass.
LMAO yes, yes they do. I never know what to do when it comes to visiting someone in the hospital.. I don't usually have time to think about it and they're right there, ready to go. It's usually a last minute thing and means someone in my life ended up there suddenly and all I want to do is help or get them out of there, so grabbing some flowers is sort of an already-thought-out-for-you gift so you don't have to be bothered while you're rushing around worrying. I suppose I would do things differently if they were there laid out and getting better, but sadly that hasn't been the case yet. Otherwise it would be healthy meals and magazines and foot rubs and I don't know.. strippers lol, let's make this a party! haha. Flowers, pssshhhh...
I purchase flowers for myself, it makes me happy to see pretty flowers in my home and I love the smell the flowers have. I have a rose bush in my yard and get flowers from my own bush which I like much better than purchasing flowers, not so much because my bush is free but because I grew them with love.
If I was going to give flowers to someone, it would be my mother. I love my mother a lot. She deserves a lot for all of things she has done for me. I would really love to give out flowers to everyone. I think good people deserve something like that. I love making people happy. It makes me happy to see others feeling good.
I usually take hospital people food, because the food over here in hospitals suck. And if you are a praent staying in overnight with your sick child, they don't feed you. They stopped feeding the parents of sick children a long time ago. So when my mother is staying in overnight with my little sisters, we will always bring her food. Magazines too lol. No foot rubs though, as people don't take care of their feet well enough for them to be worthy of my touch Lol. You might as well make it a party!! strippers sounds perfect!!!
Oh I would absolutely do the food thing. I've only been in the hospital myself when having my sons.. a few days each and the food was ridiculous. A new mother, a new baby and you supply garbage? A heart attack victim? Someone who just had a stroke or major surgery?? Nutrition is absolutely mandatory for healing. I can't even believe it's not taken care of yet.. but as usual, medical has nothing to do with food. Health and food, two separate things lol. It's no wonder people wither away and die in hospitals when their most basic need isn't being met. The rest of the visits I've made to hospitals have been for the dying.. and I swear they shouldn't have. Food is definitely on my list of their neglect. And don't get me started on feet lmao. I'd be paying someone to boil and scale them first before I go near them lol.. it was the thought that counts, right??
I ocassionally give flowers to my mother, because she really loves plants and gardening in general, and I always put a smile on her face doing this. Also, she loves when I buy her any other kind of plant, she is building up a beautiful garden thanks to me ;D