I handle my finances all by myself. I like to keep track of what goes on where my finance is concerned. I feel I am more in control when I do it personally. I know of people who have accountants/auditors for this purpose. Which method do you see more beneficial and use personally?
I know of people who have accountants handling their finances but they are the rich ones like Manny Pacquiao, the billionaire boxer. For me, I handle my own finances which is quite easy because I live a simple life. The credit card statement is always big deal to me and I always give it a thought when the balance exceeds my expectation, that means I over spent. I would recover on the next billing by spending lesser.
No one handles my finances but me. I want to be always in control of the budgeting and stuff if not, we'll be bankrupt by now. I had a father who's good at finding money but he's not good in saving them. Unfortunately, he died in vain without even leaving anything for his family, that's when I decided to step up and make decisions on everything when it comes to finance. I've read this book about a Poor Dad and a Rich Dad. I'm sure most of you know who wrote this book but ever since I read this, I keep on following what the Rich Dad have always said.
I'm managing my own finances and my own taxes essentially because I'm an accountant and I'm trained to do just that at work. I can't claim to be perfect, but I'm getting better at it and I'm giving budgeting more time and attention than ever. I've read articles where women employees say they don't sweat the small stuff because they're already working at nitty gritty jobs. I sweat the small stuff, almost always, because that's the only way to assure myself that I'll have something to fall back on when things go awfully wrong in my job or in my business.
I believe that everything here to handle own finances. Accountants/auditors works in big fortunes. There are excellent apps to help to manager your finances like Money me, Money Lover Available on AppStore, Windows Store and PlayStore. For traditionals, Microsoft Excel is a good alternative.
It is my wife who handles everything. I am just contented on what she has given me. Since we were married 44 years ago, I turned over my monthly salary to her. She knew what I need for I didn't have any vices. I never smoke, drink. Though she handles all our finances but she is very respectful. She showed me all the expenses she had made and the extra money she had saved. I never really questioned it for I trust her since the day we got married.
I handle my finances personally. I prefer to do it myself because I can keep records of my every expenditure. This is beneficial because you will be cautious if you realize some missing cash and you will be able to track the lost money. This also allows you to be flexible and adjust the amounts for each task respectively.
I also handle my finances. When I handle my own finance, I can control my expenditure and save some money every month. I always buy things that are necessary and avoid things that is no use. I also don't spend to much on luxury items. Every month when I get a pay check, I pay my bills, buy ration and necessary things and save remaining money in the bank.
Neither me nor any accountant ... it's another member of the family who takes care of the management of finances. The money that is earned needs to be spent and budgeted properly. It takes time to find proper financial investment plans. So, the whole financial aspect has been shared where I take care to pay the bills but I do not look after the investment part.