I have worked out in the gym for years, been in a yoga studio, trained for races, and then I had a baby. The one thing about new babies and working parents is that it is much harder to find that hour to spend at the gym! I have had to be creative and found that youtube is a great resource for workout videos! Depending on how I feel that day I search for the type of workout I am most interested in and almost always I find what I need. Everything from yoga to Zumba to HIIT to a regular weight loss cardio video it is on there. When I find someone I truly love (Blogilates! She is so fun and energetic!) I subscribe and I am notified when there is something new. This works great with the baby because when I do have 30 minutes while she naps I look for the quiet inside workouts, or if I have 5 minutes because she is distracted by a toy (hello, quick cardio workout!) I am able to find something. Have you found that youtube works for you? Or is there something better out there for new moms?
I have to agree with you on this. If you don't have the time or resources to go to a gym or pay for a personal on-call trainer then watching and taking cues from Youtube videos can be very helpful as well as savings-friendly. You have to be careful with the types of videos you watch, though. Some are just plain senseless. I'd rather go for those that offer legitimate pieces of advice and new techniques.
Youtube is definitely a good and free way to guide you in your workout sessions. If you can get your hands on those workout DVD's then that's cool too. I suggest you look for Shaun T's "Hip Hop Abs", it's quite easy to follow.
Just a head's up, I have seen some on youtube that showed how you can work out WITH your baby!!! I suppose they make great weights? LOL. For real, it was some cute little exercises I saw on there though. I use it and do the dance (not zumba but more choreography or music videos).
I like working out to youtube videos because there is so much variety. I began working out with youtube videos when I was searching for walking exercises that you can do at home. This is a great way to save money and stay cool especially with summer being here.
Hey, thanks for posting this. For some reason, I haven't really thought of YouTube as a resource for exercise. Silly me. I get the YouTube channel on my Roku device, so it would be very easy to flip to YouTube just like it's a TV channel and find some good moves.
Some of the fitness videos on youtube are really good. My partner uses the Zumba videos and some of the music on them I love to listen too! The dances are well structured and she loves to do it, so its win win and its free too! Lovely combination!
I have always loved Youtube, just because it is so useful and varied. You can literally find a tutorial for everything and anything on there, and all for free. I got into working out last year. Mid last year, and I didn't have the money to be going to the gym every week. So I thought why not just subscribe to the apt Youtube channel, and do those workouts. I haven't looked back since. I love that you can try different ones and gather lots of information from different people too.
Love blogilates And yeah, I turn to youtube for dance tutorials and zumba, as well as for exercises for the posture, for balance, yoga, fitness, etc. I don't have the money to do otherwise! That said, I feel confident with learning yoga and pilates through there because I have had classes with teachers for years before (though Casey is very clear about what to watch out for to not move in a wrong way), but I would not go for stuff like learning martial arts through Youtube. Even though I'd really want to learn martial arts, some things just need someone to make sure you're learning well.
That's a great idea! I just recently had a baby and so I signed up for the gym thinking I would be able to go more than I have been, there's just always stuff to do around the house. I never thought about going to youtube and looking for videos while the kids nap, I don't know why I haven't thought about it but that's so smart.. thank you!
There are many workouts I get from youtube. My ex-girlfriend and I used to do zumba together in my living room while watching instructors' videos on youtube. I learn a lot of my modern filipino martial arts techniques from youtube.
You Tube videos are a great resource for workouts. If you have an HDMI port, you can connect it to your TV and have a better demo with a big screen than putting up with your laptop.
I love using YouTube to workout with. Why spend tons of money on workout DVDs when you can use YouTube for free. There are so many different types of exercises on the internet so the options are endless. I always take my phone to the gym and look up a video so that way I could copy the movements. Another great thing is that there are fitness gurus on YouTube that post daily videos so it always gives me a ton of inspiration watching there bodies form into how they want to look.
I haven't used youtube for workouts much, though I have used other websites that host their own videos. I have a question about youtube workout videos, though. Whenever I watch something on youtube it seems like there are a million ads that pop up or commercials partway through. Does that happen to you on workout videos? If so, does it ruin the flow of the workout or do you just take the opportunity to grab a sip of water?
I haven't checked out the you-tube workout videos but anything that gets you working out at home or outside in your neighborhood (walking, etc) is going to be a bonus in more ways than one. You get your exercise and you don't have to pay for it. That makes it perfect for me.
I have several friends who exercise with the aid of youtube videos. Yes, there are countless of videos in youtube and you cannot have the reason of not finding what video that will suit you. But I am not that type because I need motivation so exercising in the park with hundreds of others is what I prefer.
I have never used YouTube for workouts, but I think it is a great idea. I use programs on TV, and I can easily get YouTube on my TV, so it would help me do the workout I want, rather than just whatever the TV has to offer.
I don't really have the money to purchase workout DVD's, but that isn't to say that I have not seen many around that I didn't want to purchase and get into. There are a few celebrities that have some workout DVD's out, that I really liked the look of, but just didn't have the extra money. Finding workouts on Youtube more than solves that problem, especially when the people in the videos are trained professionals.
Hmm, I'm not really a fan of Youtube, but this suggestion could come in handy at a later time when I will develop my own routine of healthy lifestyle, with just the right touch of exercising. Thanks for the suggestion. I guess it will just spare me money from buying those DVDs. Hah, who needs them nowadays? Free information y'all!
I have recently become obsessed with YouTube from watching Blogilates! to watching just the beauty gurus talking about everything and anything. I also like to listen to their guided meditations sometimes.... Around exam time I can get really stressed and I think the best way to relax is to find a way just forget about everything. I love running aswell but if the weather isn't good, or if you can't leave your baby youtube workouts can be really helpful and really enjoyable ! Sometimes it can be hard to motivate yourself but there is so much choice and no two workouts ever have to be exactly the same and if one persons methods of working out doesn't suit you there are hundreds more to choose from which I find is the great thing about youtube!