. . . if you had no money? Sounds like a dumb question but I know a lot of wealthy folks who aren't happy. Sure money can buy you a lot of things but would those things give you what you truly desire? Happiness? For me, I think as long as I got people who I love in my life and they love me as much as I love them, even if I had no money I'd still be very happy even if I was broke. What of you guys? Is the thought that money will buy you happiness what motivates you to keep saving?
This is a tricky question as so much of our life revolves around money. But I do agree that money alone can never bring happiness, and if your sole pursuit in life is to acquire money, you will be met with a bottomless void. I don't have a lot of money and I am completely fine with that. I rarely desire materialistic stuff, rather I desire freedom and and my friends and family. But I still must make enough money for my family, so that is where things get tricky. The best way to answer is with this scenario below... Would I work a job that paid $100,000 a year, but required me to work 50-60 hours a week with a lot of stress? Absolutely not. I would rather work a job where I make $30,000 a year with less hours and less stress. My family can just be more frugal and enjoy our time together, something money can't buy back.
If I had no worries about the mortgage or bills then I would be okay. Those are the things one worries about the most, so if you have a home that has been paid off and have enough to pay the bills, then really you can survive without too much money I have found. I guess I would be happy still, as money just makes things easier and less stressful. I've found I don't need as much money as I used to, though it's hard to understand that when you have lived in a big city as it revolves around money all the time.
Good for you! It's always nice to see people who get it. Of course it's difficult when all these systems are in place to make sure you suffer if you have no money. But in the end, nothing changes with a bad attitude, except that now you have a bad attitude to go along with the rest of your problems. I know it's hard to stay positive during tough times and I know life would be easier with money to get by, but we only have this one life and I'm sure everyone can be thankful for SOMEthing. I don't know. My life isn't perfect and I'll never be wealthy.. but I'm not going to waste my one life on being down about that. Instead, I'm going to look at the things I DO have. A wonderful family, love, health, the tools I need to maintain a happy, positive outlook.. because I don't like feeling bad; why would I? So no matter the circumstance, I choose to make happy my goal.
A large part of the reason we budget the way we do is because we value our time more highly than we value additional money. Both of us could be making a lot more per year if we worked a lot more hours or in a different field. Ultimately though, when we did that, we were both very unhappy and stressed out. Now we have less money, more freedom, and much less stress.
It is possible to be joyful without money, but happiness is fleeting no matter how much money you have.
Yes, I have had no money and was very happy. But i do think no matter how little money one has they must learn how to budget it well. You can't be happy if your family is going hungry every night. But if you can learn to eat simply (beans, rice, etc.) and not eat out when you don't have the extra to do so, then I think most people can live happily with very little. But being in debt can make one miserable. So having no money and being in debt - I could not be happy. But having no money, and being debt free is bliss! Once a family member who had a lot of money but who wanted to encourage me to keep living a simple life said, "Look all around you. Do you see those fancy cars? Do you see those big houses? They don't own those. They are all about $40,000 in debt. You don't owe anybody a thing. That is a responsible way to live." Ever since then I realized that it wasn't so bad not having a lot of stuff.
Honestly, I don't think I can be totally happy if I don't have money. For me, spending is synonymous to having fun and doing nice things and entertaining yourself and even treating people out, as compared to being stuck at home since you don't have money. I think I can still be happy without money, but.. It's less fun as compared to having it. Don't you want the feeling of not owing money from anyone and just being able to shop and buy for you and your loved ones without worrying about your budget? That would be a very nice feeling!
I don't have a definite answer to your question. But I would have to concur that letting money get the better of you even though there's so many things in this world that can never be bought or measured will only lead to gnawing sadness. Money is just means to an end and not the be-all and end-all of our human existence. It's just weird because this world has functioned for centuries now because of money and people's drive to keep on using it.
The only people that say they would be happy without money, are the people that have got money. When you've got everything you need or want and money in the bank and in your pocket, its very easy to be content and say you can live easily with no money. When your scratching round, not knowing where the next meal is coming from, working 60hrs a week and still having nothing to show for it...you don't see many people in that situation happy and smiling do you?
I hate when people answer a question with another question, but I have to ask; define broke? Broke is relative, so it's a little hard for me to address the question. If I were so broke and couldn't stand on my own two feet, pay the rent, bills and feed myself; NO, I wouldn't be happy at all. I hate depending on people for anything, I can't bring myself to ask for help from anyone. However, if I had enough money to cover rent/mortgage, bills, food and medical bills and had my family around me, yes I'd be happy.