For me, it would depend on who the recipient was. If it was someone that loved the lock of flowers but wasn't so good at looking after real living plants and wanted something more long lasting than cut flowers I'd definitely consider plastic ones. They last a lot longer than real cut flowers after all! However, I know some people find them tacky and don't think they should be given at all as gifts, let alone used around The House. Would you give plastic flowers?
Hmmm - I have to be totally honest on this one - especially as I'm not sure - even if someone did want some plastic flowers - that I could actually give them as gift - as not only am I one of those who think that they look decidedly tacky - but as a long time gardener who hasn't as yet - come across any plastic flowers or plants that even remotely come close to resembling the real thing - I would much rather give anything but plastic flowers. However if I really had no choice but to gift something along these lines - I would much prefer to go with one of the many other alternatives - for example - an attractive easy care, hard to kill plant ( of which there are quite a few ), a silk flower painting or wall hanging, a picture made of pressed flowers or even - if really pushed - a silk orchid which can from a distance - look quite realistic.
This is an interesting question. One that I don't think is entirely black and white. For example, if it was a holiday or celebratory day, like Mother's Day or something, then I would purchase real flowers. But if it was something aesthetic, like a housewarming gift to match decor, or to make somewhere look a certain way, then I would certainly buy and give plastic flowers.
I've never really thought of giving plastic flowers as a gift but now that I see the arrangement above artificial flowers have come a long way. From a distance it would be hard to know if they were fake or real flowers and so for someone who would like the beauty of flowers this would be perfect to brighten up a space. I could definitely see giving artificial flowers to a new business grand opening or for someone's office space.
Many people like real flowers so when buying someone flowers I'd get them that. But good thing you could always indirectly ask someone if they like plastic flowers to find out if they wouldn't mind should you buy them said flowers. Best to buy someone something they actually like rather than get them something you think they might like and it ends up in the trash can.
Personally, absolutely no way! I'm one of those people who do find plastic flowers tacky, and a gift in very poor taste. I think if you were buying them for yourself, it'd be ok because it;s your choice. But for someone else? Nah. I know some people who'll say they're fine with something like that just because they feel 'it's the thought that counts' and they shouldn't not like a gift. My mother-in -law is one such person. I basically gauge any gifts I get for friends and family by own own standards, would I be happy to receive such a gift? If the answer is no, then I don't feel it appropriate to give it to someone else. Of course, we are all different and fake flowers will work for others, just NOT ME LOL
Unless I know already that someone adores a speceific kind, no. Not even then, but for the sake of the thread, I won't make someone feel obligated to decorate their home permanently with something I've chosen for them. I'm not big on flowers as gifts as it is, but if I were to go that route, I would choose the kind that die, so they won't have to figure out what to do with them when i'm not looking lol.
I don't think so. I definitely wouldn't go with plastic flowers, like the stuff at the dollar store. There are better options though. I worked at a place that sold silk flowers with hand-wrapped stems. Some of them were rather nice looking. In some cases, you'd be hard-pressed to tell that they weren't real. They were of course, a bit on the pricey side as well. Even wholesale, they weren't cheap, so I don't imagine you'd save much money buying them instead of real ones. There are probably some more affordable options available that are still nice than plastic.
I would give plastic flowers depending on the situation for which I am giving it. For Mother's day, a birthday or an anniversary I would not give plastic flowers. However, I would give it for home decoration purposes. The methods for producing products are so advanced nowadays, that it's easy to produce very lifelike and attractive plastic items which are extremely eye-catching and sometimes very difficult to differentiate from the real thing.
I would if I knew the person Enough and the gift was just a casual one instead of one being given on a special occasion. If I just happen to come across some nice fake flowers I would buy it and bring it over to whomever I think would appreciate it. I don't think it's the type of item that would be a good gift for an occasion, unless it were just a minor one like finishing paperwork or getting through a ton of chores.
I have no problem with giving plastic flowers as gifts since they serve as a kind of decoration for the house, and some plastic flowers do look really nice. Some even have the appearance of real flowers. However, this type of gift would not be suitable to give a mother for Mother's Day, nor to a sick person to cheer them up. A gift like this would be more suitable for a whole family as a Christmas gift, or even for a coworker, but I would not consider it an appropriate gift for a very close friend or relative.
I think that an artificial flower arrangement or planter can be a nice gift. I have made them as house warming presents. I have yet to receive one as a gift myself but I wouldn't have a problem receiving an artificial flower arrangement. They never need watering and can be placed any where in your home inside or out. They are sold practically every where from inexpensive to jaw dropping prices but they can last a lifetime.
I would give plastic flowers as a gift because they are cheap and at the same time have an immeasurable sentimental value. The reason is that they are products of recycling and contribute to the preservation of the environment through withdrawal of plastic waste which is not biodegradable. They are also durable and don't fade.
Sure, why not, as long as the person will love it then I will give it to him or her. What matters is what he or she likes and not what I like, so even if I find something tacky in general, if the person likes it then I will give it as a gift.
I cannot say that I have anything against some plastic flowers, but I don't think I would give them as a gift. I might buy them for someone and give them to them, but not fora holiday, if that makes sense. For the times when it is an occasion I would have to go ahead and buy the real thing. I think that you have to have that smell to go along with it if it is supposed to mean something.
I probably wouldn't. The arrangement in the picture is lovely, but I don't really know anybody who would be truly thrilled to receive it. Maybe I'd give plastic flowers in addition to something the recipient would actually like. Or I would just put the plastic flowers as a decoration in a gift basket.
Could be a good gift to give If I ever had a good taste to pick plastic ornamental flowers or any other plants. But It's something that I can't really appreciate for myself and therefore I'm not going to gift stuff like that for the same reason.
I personally prefer to pick real flowers somewhere or buy them at a flower shop. Plastic flowers can be nice but I hardly buy them for myself or for my house. The only case I can think of getting plastic flowers is if I had a friend who collected plastic flowers and I knew she would love them. I would know that she would enjoy them even if they do not mean anything to me.
There are artificial flowers that are much classier than plastic ones, so that is acceptable. I would never give plastic flowers as a gift, and if anyone gave them to me I would be insulted. It's rude beyond belief in my opinion as it's better to give a single live red rose than plastic flowers.
Yes I would, because you can buy arrangements that look absolutely beautiful, and of course they are often much cheaper than fresh flowers, and they will last forever. I have a lot of plastic plants in my home, and sometimes I have even watered them by accident because it is just so easy to forget that they are not actually real!