With pollution being a concern the world over would it not be better to opt for public transport and do away with owning cars? At best even pooling would be a better option than individuals owning cars. I have know some family having each member a car. Image Source:Log In
I really go for public transport. However, our country's public transport is not efficient and very inconvenient. In the train station, it takes an hour in the queue, the same with the bus. Those who can afford, buy cars to avoid the inconvenience of public transport. When we go on vacation in Hongkong or Singapore or Japan, we take the bus or train for cheap fare and never the taxi which is expensive.
I would say that my preference for either public or private transport is directly dependent on the destination it where I'm heading to. If it's a place that I'm going to encounter lots of traffic jam, I would definitely be going for public transport because is actually going to be quite expensive running the cost of burning diesel or petrol while being stuck in traffic. But if it's a free road that I'm going to route, then I would save myself the stress of using public transportation and the inconvenience of people making so many drops before getting to my destination and make use of my private car.
I always use public transportation. But I know using a private car would be more comfortable and you won't worry about pick pocketing that goes on in public vehicles. Apart from air pollution, there is also congestion especially in public vehicles. Some windows in some buses are permanently locked and you can't breathe in fresh air unless you reach your destination and come out. I still feel those with private cars are better off.
I think it will soon be not about you and me but a forced decision to save the planet. Pollution has reached unmanageable proportions atleast here in India that people go about wearing masks in some States.
Knowing the consequences of congestion and pollution due to traffic on roads would you still not consider doing away with owning a vehicle and resort only to public transport? At this point in time it may seem a preposterous idea to do away with owning vehicles but I think soon government will put a plug.
Sooner or later I am sure there will be a ban om private vehicles as we can already see what is in store for the future generation. A bit of analysis is all what is needed to know that it will be a gas chamber like atmosphere on roads for kids to even breather normally.
Another way to stop pollution would be to simply stop making cars which burn fossil fuels. That would end major pollution problems in many areas. In that case, people could have as many vehicles as they want.
Well until the government does anything good enough to counter the precarious situation congestion and pollution that are the offspring of crowded cities today, I would still stick with preferring public transportation based on the destination I'm heading and it's traffic situation as well as owning a private vehicle based on how the journey would be.
You say a ban on private vehicle? I definitely don't see that happening any time sooner. I would say that the technological advancements in our science of building cars would or might take another dimension in car production. Instead of making cars that burns fossils and pollute the air in the process, cars would be made to run on electrical fields or other elements probably (water) if it's possible. I have read one article on building cars that run solely on water, but I'm not sure how possible that's going to be. Well, I would say that nothing is beyond science, if they want to get it into reality, they definitely will.
Both public and private transport have their own fair share of advantages and disadvantages. But on the issue of pollution, doing away with privately owned cars wouldn't do much. This is because the number of passengers is definitely going to increase prompting the addition of more public transport vehicles bringing us to where we were initially. Pollution is something that cannot be done away immediately but eventually it will all thanks to Tesla and many other companies that are venturing into electric car making. To completely curb pollution we will have to entirely erase petroleum-powered vehicles from our roads and embrace the electric ones. It may take time but it will definitely happen.
I have already opted for the public transport because I live in Capital of Romania, and the traffic is really crowded. There are times when I must drive my car around for a half an hour only for a parking place. If I use the public transportation I reach to my job in an hour, if I use my own car I reach to my job in two hours!
We mainly use our vehicle for short trips to the grocery store, and it would actually cost more to pay for public transportation to do this shopping than it costs for paying for the gasoline to go back and forth to the store. Plus, sometimes I also take a friend who does not have a car, and there is plenty of room for both of us, and we can fill up the back of the car with whatever groceries we need. If I used public transportation, I would only be able o take one or two bags of groceries at a time, and not do most of the shopping we need for the whole month. Not only that, but our bus system does not use transfers; so if I were going somewhere that required a bus change, then it would cost me twice as much. I have also thought about selling the car and using the bus because when you add in maintainence of the vehicle plays insurance costs, and licensing, it might actually be cheaper to just take the bus, and not have to spend money on all of the necessary things to keep a vehicle running.
Although I have a car I must admit it is so much easier at times either to walk or use public transport. You don't have the worry of finding parking spaces or scraping around for change for the parking fee. I love my car and it has been useful at times but as I get older I am finding I like the idea of public transport more and more.
Unfortunately, because it is the cheapest option... But the quality of the service sucks (I mean, it's really terrible... it's almost like a nightmare ). However, some sacrifices need to be made to achieve some dreams.
Working on electricity may contribute to control pollution but congestion on roads needs to be curbed by having as few vehicles as possible. Car pool comes to mind.
That they never do. Just like trying to ban plastics and this will be possible if they stop making plastic bags. How else would you propose that they manufacture cars that would not contribute to pollution?
Parking is a nightmare. I remember going to the airport at Denver where my nephew had to park the car miles away and he had to walk back to the airport. I waited for him and we almost missed our flight.
I honestly think its is a more cheap and convenient options. Cars and trucks can be pretty costly to properly maintain and could just randomly break down for some unknown reason, I have heard a good number of stories on it and experienced it myself. Public transportation seems like a more effective option.
I opt for public transportation due to the traffic in my area. I study in a very busy city, so parking and general time spent in traffic are not worth it. It's more cost efficient to use the train in my case. There is no traffic and I get there faster. I also save more with student discounts.