When I am sick, generally I like to do home remedies. I hate medication and the side affects of it, plus everything is expensive, especially if you are uninsured. Most of the time the home remedies work by strengthening the body or just being able to kill the bacteria. However, when it is something serious like strep, generally I go to the doctor just because I haven't found a home remedy that has worked and because it can have some bad consequences untreated. What about you? Do you prefer to try home remedies or do you go straight to the doctor?
I always go straight to the doctor. When it comes to health I don't want to mess around and personally I feel better with a doctor. I think home remedies can be great maybe when it comes to colds or allergies but for the most part I stick with modern medicine. With that being said I try to not take too much medication but if it is necessary I definitely will.
I've never been to the doctor and I'm not dead yet! Lol, but I think it really depends, if it seemed like something really serious, then I would go to the doctors for it, but if it seems like something as a common cold, or the flu, I'll take care of it myself with home remedies.
That is how I feel. For the flu, cold, or sinus infection I never go to the doctor. But for something more serious like Strep I do because of the consequences if you don't. But I know some people who have used home remedies for everything even Strep and are alive, healthy, and kicking. I'm just not that brave, haha.
I would have to go with the home remedies all the way. I don't like my GP because she is so quick to prescribe medicine and she also is terrible with understanding and speaking English. Obviously if it's a bacterial infection or something like that then obviously I will have to. I wish I could afford a holistic doctor because I'm sure they would help me with my GERD. I'm not taking medicine for that because it does not fix the problem and only relieves the symptoms.
I go straight to the doctor. As a kid growing up, I was always taught that home remedies do not work. That's why I have always been skeptical about alternative medicines and trust medical professionals only.
For a mere cold or fever I would first try home remedies since it's basically cheaper and most of the time they work for just your typical colds but when it's more than just a cold or if they persists for days then I would go to the doctor ASAP.
The question is how do you tell whether having a fever or something which might not seem to be too serious is not an indication of the onset of something worse? For me, when I get that feeling of being unwell, I could try a home-made remedy just for the day. If I don't notice any change then I'd have to see a doctor the next day.
It really depends on the kind of sickness... But I would say that I'm down for trying home remedies. Synthetic remedies sold at pharmacies are all made of natural ingredients so... I have to be careful about where you are getting your information from though... It seems that these days, everybody has a blog with health tips.
Whether or not I use home remedies or go to the doctor depends on what I am sick with. How I am feeling governs part of my decision. If I an having a cold I am unlikely to go to the doctor. If I have the flu and it gets bad I will end up going to the doctor. I also hate taking medications and the cost of a doctors visit is prohibitive, so before I go it has to be serious for me. It is difficult sometimes to go to the doctor only to be told all I need is rest.