Has anyone tried this skillet? I was kind of interested in it, I mean, who wouldn't be interested in diamonds? I thought it sounded pretty weird. I don't like how they only have one size of skillet though because if it really works as good as it sounds, then I would want a whole matching set, not just the medium sized skillet. It sounds promising, but I want to hear if anyone has their own opinions about it so I can know what I'd be buying. I hate wasting money on crappy products.
I have been looking at these types of skillets as well. Although, the one I have really been looking at is Orgreenic. I'm sure you have seen' this one advertised as well, and this one does have a line of different pans, if you want to purchase them. I have done some research on Ogreenic and some of the reviews to be honest aren't too good. People complain about it not being a non-stick as it swears in the commercial. Yet, I have a consumer analyst on my local news who tried it out and recommended it. This woman can usually be trusted and tell you when a product isn't living up to its claims. So what have I determined from all of this, well even if Ogreenic isn't as non-stick as it claims, neither are those non-stick coated pans that all of us use now. You know the ones that have the toxic coating that we should be getting away from. Exactly, so even if its not as non-stick as it claims, I still intend to buy Orgreenic when I can afford to, just to get away from these types of pans.
Thank you for the suggestion. I'll definitely have to do some research on the Orgreenic pans. I do prefer going green anyways, it's so much better for the world. Plus it's always nice to be able to get a full matching set of pans.