I don't see men who choose to wear necklaces as any different than women who choose to wear necklaces. Of course, there are men's necklaces as far as designs go, and then there are women's necklaces. But I shouldn't see why there should be a problem with a man wearing a necklace.
I'm not a fan of jewellery on men at all. I just don't think it looks right. Especially chunky rings, bracelets and medallions. Sometimes, those Aussie surfer beads look OK but on the whole, it's not a good look to me. Each to their own though.
I'm very conservative when it comes to fashion worn by men, so I wouldn't date with a men wearing necklaces, scandalous rings or even simple earrings. I was raised with the concept that a woman has to be and look "very womanly" and a man has to be and look "very manly." Myself, being woman, wouldn't wear a necktie, same as I don't expect to see a man wearing a pearls or colored-beads necklace A bare, simple chain it's okay, a cross, religious symbol or charm could be okay, but if he wears a chain necklace with a pendant of Bart Simpson, a teddy bear, or a bead-work pendant, or he is too young and has bad taste (from my standpoint) or something is wrong with him.
I'm shocked that people have an issue with this at all?? And then to read that some people don't like to see men wearing jewelry at all?? Come on now lol. I mean, to each their own. We are all entitled to our own preferences. But I feel that it a little too conformed to gender roles, which are a social construct.
I do not think that man necklaces are a waste of money, they can be an accessory that perfectly complete your outfit if you know how to wear them properly. I am a man and I love to use accessories such as bracelets and necklaces, and I am kind of frustrated because is hard to find 'manly' accessories in stores, since the accessories are primarily 'feminine' , but anyway. I think that it is not a waste of money at all. I really enjoy wearing them.
Generally speaking I'm a fan, I think it *can* look really elegant and masculine. I know a lot of doctors who don't keep their wedding ring on their finger but instead wear it on a simple chain to still have it on them, I think that's nice both in look and in sentiment. I like some "manlier" looking necklaces, too.
I don't think about it at all. I'm a big supporter of "be yourself!" and if that means wearing a tutu to work every day makes you shine, go for it! When you see someone wearing... whatever.. it's because choosing that particular piece made them feel good for whatever reason. I love seeing people wear their happiness. It's unique to them and they feel good and feel they look good and that DOES make them look good. It's better than seeing everyone and their dog wearing the same outfit.. trends are by far the worst thing to happen to humans lol.. it steals our originality. But again, if it makes you happy...
Cannot remember the last time I saw a guy wearing a necklace. Usually, if I see some, it's those simple and thick metal chains. I don't really care much , but I might chuckle if it's outrageous.
I don't mind men wearing necklaces. I never really have it much of a thought until I read it on here. Men have been wearing necklaces for quite some time now and other is really nothing wrong with.
I don't think thick gaudy necklaces with huge charms or pendants or whatever dangling from them look good on guys, but a simple thin chain looks nice imo. Plus I wouldn't be so quick to judge someone for wearing a necklace, it may have been something given to them by their significant other, so they are wearing it for them, not to please you. I would rather see a subtle necklace, than some goofy "livestrong" or "wwjd" bracelet, or some big goofy class ring from like 20 years ago.
I don't have a problem with. People should do what makes them happy. If a man wants to wear a necklace I think they should go for it. Its up to the individual person. I personally very rarely wear necklaces or bracelets. Its just not my thing.
I'm not big on men wearing necklaces, but nowhere near as much as I hate seeing them wearing earrings or even tiny studs. I used to think it looked cute, but now not so much. I don't mind the kind of stuff that surfer type guys wear, though. Those tend to be a little understated and funky, so they're not really in your face.
in india i never seen a men who wear neckless but in dubai and arab many peoples wear neckless. i think they wear because there gold price is very low.
I like to see a man wearing a chain, I don't see them as necklaces. Men have been wearing chains see the pirate days. I don't like to see men wearing all of that heavy gold link chains down to their waist like the young rapers were wearing a few years back.
As this not something that has ever crossed my mind - obviously I don't have any objection whatsoever to men wearing a neck-lass or for that matter any other kind of jewellery - if they want to - but maybe thats because its considered to be quite normal for men to wear some kind of jewellery where I live - in fact now that I'm thinking about it - I probably see way more men wearing either a ring, a neck chain or leather/bead neck-lass than I do those who don't. But what does have me somewhat confused - is why it would be considered a waste of money for men to buy jewellery - as surely it really shouldn't matter - particularly considering the fact - that regardless of whether someone is male or female - most people who buy jewellery - buy it because they get pleasure out of wearing it.
Over here, most men who wear that big gold chains around their necks are the overseas workers who earned their money in the Middle East. That is one way of showing the hardship they had undergone and those big chained necklace is their trophy. For women, the small chains are more like it with a pendant. But me, I don't go for jewelries.
It depends. I think a lot of men who wear necklaces do so for religious or traditional purposes. Such as wearing the cross or a Saint pendant around their neck. I don't know many men who wear necklaces other then for religious purposes though.
I agree with daleo717 about men wearing necklaces. I like necklaces too. I sometimes have 2 on at one time. My Mother doesn't care to wear any necklaces at all. I like to see necklaces as well as wear them. Necklaces to wear is up to the person if they like to wear it or not. When it gets hot I don't like to wear necklaces too much.
I also believe it all depends on the man and how he wears it. A religious man may wear a religious symbol like the cross. Some men may wear something like an animal's tooth as a necklace. I like the small thin chains as well. I also believe it depends on the culture as well. If you take a look around the Internet you should be able to find some tribal necklaces that some native American men wear.
Many people do not mind men wearing necklaces as long as they are not overly feminine. But even if the necklaces were deemed to be overly feminine, I would not have a problem with it. It is not my body or my sense of style, so why would I be bothered. Men and women should definitely be able to wear whatever they would like to.